The Ritz Herald
Amazon Pickup & Returns on South St. in Philadelphia. © Bryan Angelo

New Employee Law for Amazon Small Business Owners Driving the Economic Recovery

Ready to make a hire?

Published on December 28, 2020

Rosenbaum Famularo, P.C. released today a video for Amazon small business owners seeking to hire their first employee. As 2020’s end nears, many Amazon sellers are experiencing significant sales growth due to COVID-19 and are being recognized as the driving force behind any economic recovery. For many, this growth means expansion in the form of hiring staff.

“As an Amazon-based business grows, the owner will hire staff, and staff means employment issues. These issues include anti-discrimination policies, wage and hour liabilities, and various agreements such as non-disclosure, confidentiality, and non-compete,” said CJ Rosenbaum, Esq., founding partner of the firm. “Unfortunately, many sellers don’t educate themselves until there’s a problem.”

The firm advises to keep two things in mind before making a hire: (1) ensure you comply with state and federal employment regulations, and (2) consult with an attorney before putting anything in writing. “Should you have an issue with an employee down the road, an attorney will ensure you don’t do anything or write anything that may create a liability upon yourself or your company where no liability exists.”

“There are many aspects of employee law that Amazon sellers who are looking to hire staff need to be aware of. For example, in most circumstances, an employer can terminate an employee for any reason and are not required by law to provide one,” said David Miller, Esq., managing attorney of the firm’s business law department. “However, termination is considered illegal if it’s because of the employee’s race, sex, color, national origin, religion, gender, and several other reasons. It is essential that sellers fully understand the law before making a hire.”

Rosenbaum Famularo P.C. has a Business Law Library tailored for e-commerce business owners looking to learn more about employment law, agreements, contracts, and many other related issues.

Associate Writer