Netflix Actor Nidah Barber-Raymond Peels People for a Living

Published on September 28, 2022

Nidah Barber-Raymond is an actress on a Netflix show called Human Resources. She plays a woman (Yara) with dementia, raising awareness for a disease plaguing millions of people all over the world. However, Nidah is also the founder of the Peel Connection in Beverly Hills and NYC, which is a skincare brand that helps people clear up their skin in the least invasive way possible. Their two-step, multilayered application system was introduced during COVID, creating an extraordinary opportunity for her company.

When asked about where she wants herself and the company to be in 5 years, she said: “The Peel Connection will be a nationally known company selling to millions of home users all over the country, and of course, I’ll be playing a comedic character on a hit television show!”

During Nidah’s time developing the Peel Connection and working as an actor, learning played a vital role in her success. When it comes to wisdom and learning, Nidah says, “We never stop learning. Don’t think you know it all because you will be wrong and cut yourself off from growth.” The process of growing a business and succeeding as an actor on television is enveloped in learning and taking direction from various sources, which for Nidah Barber-Raymond has been from directors, customers, and data.

Despite the success, difficult times and struggles have not been absent in Nidah’s life. Recently she dealt with an unfortunate situation involving a family member: “One of the biggest challenges I’ve had to face was fighting a conservatorship for my mother law who was adamantly opposed to it—litigating for over a year. It’s a terrifying experience when you have estate trafficking players trying to conserve a loved one all because of money.” Despite the troubling encounter, Nidah remains strong and is determined to spread positivity and joy and encourage others to do the same as well.

Playing a dementia patient has also been something that Nidah relates to in a very personal and intimate way. Nidahs mother-in-law suffers from dementia and displays some of the same scenarios that Nidah’s character has on the Netflix show Human Resources. While Nidah is succeeding as an actor and an entrepreneur, she is still a human, experiencing real-life problems and pain behind the scenes. That being said, her quest for success is far from over, and despite any struggles, she may face, she is determined to succeed and thrive.

Lifestyle Editor