National Domestic Violence Hotline Launches New Branding During Domestic Violence Awareness Month

There were 573,670 calls, texts and online chats to the National Domestic Violence Hotline in 2018, a 36 percent increase from 2017

Published on October 11, 2019

The National Domestic Violence Hotline is celebrating the official launch of its new brand that organization leaders believe will convey hope to the millions of Americans who are affected by relationship abuse. During an open house for local leaders, elected officials, donors, board members, and staff, Chief Executive Officer Katie Ray-Jones unveiled a new logo that reflects the wide breadth of services and resources that the organization offers today. Additionally, viewers of The Hotline’s YouTube channel have the opportunity to see the new branding in a recently released series of videos featuring powerful stories from survivors of domestic violence.

“A recent reputation survey revealed that while we have a strong reputation as a national service provider, we had an opportunity to expand people’s understanding of our full spectrum of work, which includes crisis intervention, prevention and education, and data-informed policy work,” Ray-Jones said. “Many people may not think about hope when they think about abuse, but sharing hope and a vision for what life can be after abuse is one of the most important things we do. Our new brand communicates that.”

According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey, about 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime. In addition to launching the new brand during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, The Hotline is inviting the public to participate in a special campaign by sharing what they’re doing or what they plan to do to end the epidemic of domestic violence.

To join, participants are asked to tape a short message, 30-60 seconds on their phone, to answer the question “What is the one thing you plan to do to end domestic violence?” and then share their video on social media using the hashtags #1Thing and #DVAM. Just imagine if each of us committed to doing one thing – this collective action could create real social transformation.

The Hotline’s recently released 2018 Impact Report shows the organization received 573,670 contacts from people affected by domestic violence, an increase of 36% from 2017. Additionally, the report revealed the following:


  • 22% (similar to 2017) reported that their abusive situation involved children
  • 13,625 victims experienced stalking
  • 7,482 cited suicidal threats from their abusive partners
  • 4.7% (up 1.1% from 2017) of victims disclosed the use or threat of firearms
  • 4,565 victims experienced threats related to immigration status

For more information on the 2018 Impact Report and The National Domestic Violence Hotline, please visit Follow The Hotline on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram. Visit and follow on Facebook, on Twitter, and on Instagram.

SOURCE The National Domestic Violence Hotline
Associate Writer