miramiru Inc. Unveils Innovative NFT Marketplace “Me-kiki” to Showcase Japanese Culture Globally

Published on January 12, 2024

miramiru Inc., a leading operator of the film and culture web magazine “cinefil” in Japan, is proud to announce the launch of its groundbreaking project – the global NFT marketplace, “Me-kiki.” This ambitious venture is designed to act as a cultural ambassador, introducing the world to the captivating depth and diversity of Japanese heritage through the revolutionary lens of Web 3.0 technologies.

At the heart of Me-kiki lies a profound mission – “Japanese Culture to the World.” By leveraging the capabilities of Web 3.0, Me-kiki aspires to redefine the way we appreciate and engage with cultural expressions, fostering a global community that transcends geographical boundaries. The platform seeks not only to showcase traditional and contemporary Japanese arts but also to provide a platform for artists and creators to share their interpretations of the country’s rich cultural tapestry.

The name “Me-kiki” holds significant meaning, embodying the Japanese concept of discernment – the ability to recognize the value, authenticity, and talent within objects and individuals. It is a fitting representation of the platform’s commitment to curating and presenting the best of Japanese culture to a global audience, fostering an understanding of the nuances and intricacies that make it truly special.

To offer a glimpse into the essence of Me-kiki, the platform has released a captivating promotional trailer, available for viewing on the official Me-kiki YouTube channel. The trailer showcases the fusion of tradition and innovation that Me-kiki aims to bring to the NFT marketplace, inviting enthusiasts and creators alike to join the journey.

The grand unveiling of Me-kiki is scheduled for January 2024, accompanied by the announcement of the platform’s initial lineup. As part of the pre-launch excitement, Me-kiki is actively accepting NFT works inspired by Japan from artists around the world. This inclusive approach aims to create a diverse and vibrant collection that reflects the global appreciation for Japanese culture.

In addition to the call for NFT works, Me-kiki is eager to explore business plans utilizing the new Web 3.0 paradigm. Creators, entrepreneurs, and visionaries are encouraged to submit innovative proposals that align with the platform’s mission and contribute to its growth. Me-kiki is committed to working collaboratively with selected projects, offering support for global sales and exposure.

The submission period for NFT works and business proposals is open from December 23, 2023, to March 2024. However, selected works will be periodically featured on the marketplace throughout the application period, building anticipation for the official launch. Further details on eligibility, requirements, and submission instructions can be found on the official Me-kiki website.

Entrants are invited to submit their works and proposals to miramiru.2021@gmail.com with the subject line “FUTURE & RETRO.” The submission should include deliverable data such as images, video data, and 3D data, along with a proposal in PDF format. Me-kiki welcomes submissions from anyone residing in Japan, overseas, or even beyond Earth, embracing the global nature of the NFT community.

As part of the application process, entrants are required to provide a nickname, which will be used as the author’s name or project name when introducing the work. The email address provided will be used for communication regarding selection results, ensuring a transparent and streamlined process. Personal information, such as the entrant’s name and address, will be kept confidential and not disclosed on the web or to external parties.

For those who have a presence on social networking platforms like X account or Instagram, Me-kiki encourages including these details in the application to enhance visibility and connectivity within the community.

To ensure the integrity of the selection process, Me-kiki has established clear entry requirements. Entries must be original works created by the entrant, and they must not infringe upon copyright laws. The application period will conclude on March 30, 2024, with the announcement of results on the same day. Successful entrants will receive notifications via email, marking the beginning of their journey with Me-kiki.

Newsdesk Editor