The CBD market is one of the fastest-growing to invest in right now. In fact, the global market is expected to grow at least 51% by 2030.
With that comes the boom of innovative new technologies which support the industry. One such company which is growing as strongly as the plants its products support is Black Bird Biotech: an exciting new business positioned to exploit these market segments with powerful, re-imagined biotech products.
For example, take its name EPA-registered biopesticide, MiteXstreamTM, which is transforming farming by eradicating spider mites (a lethal pest in cannabis, grapes, hops, coffee, strawberries, and other agricultural crops) and eliminates molds and mildews.
Crucially, MiteXstreamTM is a pesticide, but it is not a poison. Think of it as a pesticide re-imagined.
That’s because, unlike other pesticides, you can use the game-changing substance through to the day of harvest without concern for the usual residual “pesticide” violations, including those in state cannabis testing. The result? A highly effective, safe, and cost-effective replacement for many traditional “poisonous” pesticides. As a company, this means it’s in a prime position to dominate the market – and grow just like the CBD market is. We sat down with Black Bird Biotech CEO, Fabian Deneault, to discover the powerful personal reasons behind developing the brand, why it’s a smart investment today, and how the company is set to change agriculture forever.

Where did the idea for Black Bird Biotech Inc. and MiteXstream come from?
Actually, it all started when my youngest daughter, Samantha was 16. She suffered a medical mishap that left her in a coma for 3 weeks and spent 4 months in the ICU on life support. After 6 months and multiple surgeries, she was released from the hospital, with many, many medications, including a very strong opioid.
After months of unrelenting pain, her doctors prescribed a Fentanyl patch. I brought her home from the appointment and ran to the store. When I returned home, Sam was not breathing. She was blue. I called 911 and started CPR. Thank God, I was able to keep her alive until paramedics arrived. They made it to the hospital in time to reverse the Fentanyl overdose.
Three days later, Sam said, “Dad, I know you are anti-marijuana, but I want to try it to control the pain. I can’t do opioids anymore. They will kill me!” So, I began researching how best to provide marijuana for her. I had heard horror stories of providers using dangerous pesticides and spiking their marijuana with things like formaldehyde.
I found the answer: in 30 days, I was a licensed Medical Marijuana (MMJ) provider growing this medicine to help my daughter. And it worked! It controlled her pain! I loved helping Sam, as well as others in need safely. After a pain-free year using marijuana, Sam was working at a local horse rescue. She asked about using CBD to help with their pains. I purchased some CBD and we even tried it on the horses with great success.
Sam tried the CBD instead of the MMJ. It relieved her pain just as well! Due to my aversion to artificial additives and preservatives, I began making my own CBD oil for Sam. I continued to research and test my creations. I settled on Olive Oil infused with CBD using a proprietary method – this kept it as natural as possible. That’s how Grizzly Creek Naturals came into the existence.
At the same time, I was growing MMJ. I struggled to keep my valuable crops from getting infested with spider mites. These mites can destroy a crop in just days. No safe pesticide or remedy worked. So, out of desperation, I began re-formulating a proprietary plant-based degreaser product developed by our team for use in industry – and started experimenting. Soon, I settled on a formulation that killed the spider mites but not the plants! MiteXstream Biopesticide was born.
What makes MiteXstream different from any products before it?
We believe MiteXstreamTM has four differentiating characteristics: First, all ingredients are food grade and plant-based. Second, although MiteXstreamTM is a pesticide, it is not a poison in the traditional sense. We like to say it is a pesticide re-imagined. With chemical action created by proprietary biotechnology, MiteXstreamTM physically destroys pests and their eggs, as well as molds and mildews, including powdery mildew, and there is no residue that must be rinsed off the plant.
Third, and this is particularly important for cannabis growers because they get tested by the states for both banned substances and excess foreign matter, like bug parts and molds, MiteXstreamTM can be applied through the day of harvest and still test all zero on the banned substances, including the most stringent Oregon standard. MiteXstreamTM destroys the pests, molds, and mildews to the point that they literally blow or fall away from the plant. On the other hand, applications of competing products must be stopped two to four weeks prior to the day of harvest, to avoid state testing failures.
Fourth, MiteXstreamTM is able to protect a vast array of crops, including hops, coffee, bananas, strawberries, industrial hemp, and common house plants.
MiteXStream is a public company. Why did you make the choice and what makes it a competitive investment in the public markets?
Capital formation is more readily achievable in the public markets, which has proven to be true, in BBBT’s case. We chose the public route because the potential of MiteXstreamTM is so extraordinary. We certainly believe that BBBT will, more and more, demonstrate itself to be a competitive investment vehicle.
The public company boasts a subsidiary of CBD products as well. Is the company going to be a holding company for more similar brands in the future?
BBBT is a holding company and we do manufacture and sell CBD products under our “Grizzly Creek Naturals” trade name. This business is growing slowly, as our attention has been focused primarily on developing the MiteXstreamTM business, a business with more dynamic potential.
How are you capitalizing on the company and what does that mean for shareholder value?
Right now, we are successfully raising money through an ongoing Reg A offering. By early November, we expect to be debt-free with adequate capital to sustain our operations through at least 2022; and we also expect that sales from MiteXstreamTM will quickly make BBBT a strong company.
Where do you see the company five years from now?
We see a company that has exceeded expectations, a company that has the distribution of MiteXstreamTM, and likely other similarly re-imagined products, on a worldwide basis. We see a company that delivers value to its shareholders and to its customers.
Why should someone buy stock in your company?
MiteXstreamTM is biopesticide biotechnology with global reach – mites, in particular, are a huge problem in many parts of the world, as are molds and mildews. MiteXstreamTM brings an extremely low-cost, high-benefit result to its users. We’re also on the path towards amazing growth over the next several years, as we continue to develop plant-based biotechnologies that “Harness the Power of Water”.
More on Black Bird Biotech can be found here: Black Bird Biotech webpage.