The Ritz Herald
Hilla Shaviv

Meet Hilla Shaviv: The Innovator Navigating FemTech’s Challenges With Resilience and Vision

Published on March 15, 2024

For years, Hilla Shaviv has served as a beacon of innovation, resilience, and vision in the FemTech sector. As the founder of Gals Bio, she is at the forefront of FemTech, an industry still navigating its way through challenges and underrepresentation.

Before venturing into this industry, Hilla Shaviv laid the groundwork with her background in biomedical engineering. Her journey, which began in 2007, took a decisive turn when she decided to channel her entrepreneurial spirit into a venture that would not only challenge her capabilities but also fill critical gaps in women’s health technology.

For Shaviv, the decision to step into the FemTech arena was not merely professional but rooted in a desire to address the historical underrepresentation of women’s health in the technological landscape. With an acute awareness of the challenges ahead, she founded Gals Bio, a venture that would redefine the boundaries of FemTech.

How Tulipon Merges Innovation with Comprehensive Women’s Health Solutions

At the heart of Gals Bio’s mission is Tulipon, an internal wearable device designed to revolutionize how women manage their menstrual health. Tulipon is more than a menstrual product; it is a convergence of innovation and comprehensive health solutions. Shaviv, as the driving force behind the creation, envisions Tulipon not just as a convenience but as a platform for women to actively monitor and manage their reproductive health.

What sets Tulipon apart is its fusion of user-friendly design with ecological sustainability. Shaviv understands the importance of balancing innovation with environmental responsibility, a philosophy that permeates every aspect of Gals Bio’s product development.

Championing Research in FemTech

Hilla Shaviv’s impact on FemTech extends beyond product development; it delves into uncharted territories of research. Recognizing the scarcity of data and knowledge in women’s health, Shaviv took on the challenge of not only developing innovative solutions but also contributing to the foundational research in the field.

From measuring pressures and forces in the vaginal cavity to researching the dynamic viscosity of menstrual effluent, Shaviv’s work is not just groundbreaking; it is a testament to her dedication to filling the voids in FemTech through a blend of engineering prowess and scientific exploration.

Shaviv’s influence transcends her role as an entrepreneur. She is also a staunch advocate for FemTech and women’s health, recognizing the urgent need to break societal taboos and misconceptions. Through public engagements, she employs humor and relatability to dismantle the stigma surrounding women’s health issues.

Moreover, Shaviv’s commitment to education led her to create “Becoming a Young Woman,” a gamified book aimed at bridging the gap in menstrual education. In doing so, she not only empowers young girls but also contributes to reshaping societal attitudes towards menstruation.

Shaviv’s Vision for FemTech

As Hilla Shaviv navigates the challenges of FemTech, she envisions a future where the industry receives the recognition it deserves. Her commitment extends beyond Gals Bio’s success; it involves actively shaping the discourse around women’s health in technology. Shaviv looks forward to collaborations, partnerships, and educational initiatives that will propel FemTech into the spotlight it deserves.

In conclusion, Hilla Shaviv emerges not only as an entrepreneur but as a pioneer and advocate for FemTech. Her journey reflects not just the challenges of an industry in its infancy but also the immense potential for transformative change. As Shaviv continues to navigate the complexities of FemTech with resilience and vision, her story becomes a beacon for those aspiring to redefine the future of women’s health through technology.

Associate Writer