Meet Eyah, The New Wave Producer of Latin Music

Published on December 21, 2021

Sven Zwetsloot, artistically known as Eyah, is a Dutch record producer and songwriter. Born and raised in Texel, the Netherlands, he is one of the most uniquely talented music producers with several hits still in the stash. Amassing millions of streams on his Spotify and other streaming platforms, he brought out a new style of reggaetón that originated in Europe to the states.

It’s hard to describe Eyah’s musical style. He doesn’t fit in a specific genre, but he draws his inspiration from different countries and cultures. “I don’t know how to put into words what I do when it comes to a musical genre,” he says, adding that he considers his music “New wave Latino.” He does love reggaetón and afro music, though; an acquired taste from his time in the Netherlands.

His formation as a reggaetón producer began with his curiosity about the FL Studio program. Soon, he was obsessing over arrangements and the alignments of keys, beats, rhythms, and melodies. While reggaetón began to gain popularity internationally, Eyah studied the software, embraced the process of learning, and created a disciplinary style in absorbing information. Eyah has always looked up to many unique producers from the scene, such as Tainy, Sky Rompiendo, and Saga Whiteblack.

As far as what’s to come soon, Eyah says we can expect more music (“It’s something afro and down-tempo,” he teases). He’s ready for whatever is headed his way, he assures. “It’s a journey in life, just like any other job. You have to believe in yourself, trust the process, and never give up.


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