The Ritz Herald
Ashton Hall

Meet Ashton Hall – A Great Fitness Influencer Who is an Inspiration for Millions

An Exclusive Interview Of The World's Top Fitness Guru - Ashton Hal

Published on November 03, 2022

Read On To Know How Ashton Hall Transitioned From Athletics To Become One Of The Greatest Fitness Gurus In The World.

To accomplish anything, one has to have faith in their abilities, a clear vision, persistence, commitment, and tenacity. Ashton Hall has all these positive attributes that helped him to transform himself from a LA Fitness Trainer in April 2020 to one of the most well-known Fitness Athletes today. We spoke with Ashton and learned more about his story and formula for success throughout our interview.

I followed your academic career and learned that the first change I saw in you after graduation was that you had a personal metamorphosis. What amount of weight did you gain following college? And when did you decide to start working hard again and resume your physical training, and what was that turning point that played a vital role in making you a successful athlete?

I was feeling quite depressed. Being in the NFL was all I could think about. I, however, stopped working out for maybe a year or two after that. Then, to cut a long story short, I went to see some of my homeboys who cracked some jokes on my weight and physique at the time, so I began searching for some photos. I thought, “Man, I’ve got to keep going” after that. I simply continued working hard. I felt the need to share how I did it with people after I had returned to the physical condition I had, you know, aspired to achieve”.

Before the pandemic that emerged in 2020, did you engage in any social fitness activities? What sort of thing happened? Have you made the decision to begin one day and see where it leads? What was your motivation?

I consequently stopped doing anything. My position at a well-known gym chain was improved, and I was the personal training director. We all lost our jobs as a result of the outbreak in Florida when I was there for eight months. So, I just decided to launch an online training platform. I immediately began uploading videos everywhere. You see, my fans appreciated the inspiration, they adored my athletic journey, and they wished they knew what I did to get to where I’m at. Then there came the epidemic, which was becoming a problem. I was working out a lot with my own body weight, and wanted to share what I could do while gyms were closed so others could follow from the comfort of their own home. So when I started sharing those on social media, that’s when things really took off.

So when did you first recognize that this had the potential to develop into a job that could virtually support itself?

You know, I didn’t realize that until I saw the insane growth in support and saw how many lives I was impacting, giving people a way to continue working on themselves even with the biggest obstacle of our lifetime happening right before our eyes. However, after some time, I relocated from my hometown of Jacksonville to Orlando. I ultimately got the notion that I should promote what I do, like utilize social media, since everyone was asking me, “How did you manage to grow your platform so rapidly”? What is my diet? How do I carry that out? I want to be able to say, “Hey, check out this link” and have people click on it. This is what I have accomplished by making the Ashton Hall Official website.

After two months, we returned to work. And working at the gym no longer seemed to have give me the passion I had making videos and sharing tips. Additionally, I was offering online training subscriptions. I never offered personal training, but I did promote memberships. And my heart wasn’t really present. And they could see that many people were entering the gym and asking about the platform I created. So, it came to an ultimatum, and they urged me to quit doing my own thing online and delete everything from social media. I simply resigned and left that day. Then I just launched my own fitness coaching company.

It was the beginning of the new journey for me. At Ashton Hall Official, I started publishing videos left and right. We accomplished a lot, and our fans were inspired and curious about my fitness regimens. The pandemic was then already in full effect when all this happened. It would be right to say that I started blowing up when I started publicizing my fitness regimens, and things picked up speed.

As we noticed that you are now in Los Angeles, what motivated you to change your place and move from Florida to Los Angeles? Did it impact your business and why did you decide to move and change your place?

I’ve only been in LA for a year now. I reached a point in Orlando where I realized, “I made it!” I was receiving plenty of compliments, you know. I was also growing comfy. But when I went to LA, I felt incredibly little, like a small fish in the Pacific. And I enjoy that sensation. I was usually second or third string when I was a young football player so I take pride in being the underdog. To make things more difficult and capitalize on that drive, I wanted to relocate out here.

When you were a college football player and extremely conscious of the foods you’re putting into your body. Did that alter once you stopped playing the sport? Has it remained the same? I’m simply interested in how that voyage went and what you were thinking about during the time when you were able to relax a little.

So, as you can imagine, I used to eat anything I wanted and boast about it when I was younger. I used to have ice cream before practice and not think twice about it. Mostly because I didn’t think it really mattered. After I stopped playing football and started living a healthier lifestyle, I started keeping track of my macros. I studied and researched what different foods and multivitamins would do for me, and from there, it was like night and day. When I played football in high school, I was ‘in shape,’ but I was never under 12% to 13% body fat. But I’ve reached a higher peak now. But I still don’t believe that my athletic skill has reached its zenith in terms of capability, flexibility, and general ability.

In light of this, how have you been able to adjust your regimen to include various vitamins and products?

I appreciate having protein close at hand since I use it daily. When a customer (or anyone else) approaches me and asks, “How can I get my protein in, I always struggle to hit my macro count” I’m able to provide them with the ways I incorporate the most protein in, whether its salmon, protein bars, shakes etc. However, the majority of individuals work anywhere from 60 to 70 hours per week, or they have two kids and work close to 90 hours per week. So you want to eat four to five times a day and make absolutely sure you meet your macros every day, but is it practical for you to sit down and do that every day?

I’m a huge believer in supplements, so it’s excellent to have it close at hand if you’re missing your protein, your veggies, or whatever it is that you have to supplement for.

Well, another question that is coming to my mind, just because so many people ask it. How did you become to be such a skilled athlete or fitness influencer? What will you say to the people who want to know, “How can I get into this world, you know?” Do you have any recommendations for those who want to succeed like Ashton Hall. What will you advice now, after that you’ve been through it and done it?

You see, if you’re performing anything at all you don’t engage in, at some time it’s going to seem like a type of work, so you absolutely want to be real. And you’ll never perform a task as well as when it’s something you’re enthusiastic about. That comes first.

The second thing is that once you get into it, you intend to do it regularly and every single day. I did post every day for a year and a half without taking a break, which is why our content gained traction. I didn’t take a single day off, practically. I took the next day off when we reached a million followers, but I’m mentioning that because everything you do every day will require you to learn via trial and error. “All right, that’s good. Let me mark this as deleted because it didn’t function that well. It was successful. Okay, let me do an assessment. Why did this one succeed while that one failed? Therefore, as you practice more, you become more aware of what to add and what to subtract. In other words, if they want to succeed in their mission and, you know, influence others through social media, they must be constant and make it a part of their daily lives.

This was our Q/A session with Ashton Hall. If you are curious about his athletic journey and want to know more how he maintained his physique, contact him on all platforms @AshtonHallOfficial.

Lifestyle Editor