The Ritz Herald
© Sterling Lewis

Marketing Guru Sterling Lewis Is the Texas Powerhouse

Published on August 27, 2021

When you’re working for a purpose, you’re more likely to reach your goal. After all, if you’re personally involved with what you’re doing, you’re more motivated every day, and the idea to give up won’t easily cross your mind. This is more so if you’re doing it not only for yourself but also for the people you can help with your venture.

This is precisely the case with Sterling Lewis, one of the most trusted marketing gurus in Houston, Texas. He has been in the entrepreneurial space since he was 10 years old. This is why he understands how crucial an online presence is for businesses. It starts with brand awareness and increased social media and website engagements, which will lead to more traffic and, eventually, the company’s growth.

Knowing the potential effect of having an online presence on businesses, Sterling changed his focus in life to become a club promoter and digital marketer. His specialty lies in social media advertising, particularly with Facebook and Instagram ads. It’s deemed to be one of the most effective ways to boost brand recognition, and seeing the effect it has on Sterling’s clients, it’s proven to be a fact.

Besides advertisements, the marketing guru also does content creation, social media managing, and coaching. The service’s purpose is to help businesses make the most of their pages to get the attention of their target consumers. In addition, Sterling offers services for website and graphic designing. He makes them engaging and compelling so that the brands can effectively get their message across and promote at the same time.

With Sterling’s help, more than 250 businesses across Texas have reached six to seven figures in sales. This includes retail brands, restaurants, and nightclubs, among many others. If not for his help, it would have been a challenge for some of these companies to reach a wider audience online and increase their credibility.

Currently, Sterling’s reputation as a digital marketer, content creator, and motivational figure is steadily growing on social media. He now has tens of thousands of followers on Instagram and Twitter, and the contents he shares have inspired his audience to also work towards their dreams. He hopes to positively impact people’s lives in everything he does.

Sterling says that whatever your career is, you have to chase after your dream, not the money. Financial freedom is a great reason to start an endeavor, but it may not be the most effective way to keep some people motivated.

In the future, the marketing guru hopes to further expand his influence and help more entrepreneurs scale their businesses. Although he’s already a powerhouse in Texas, he acknowledges that he still has a long way to go. He aspires to one day work with some of the biggest companies worldwide, such as Revolt, Sony, and Universal, among many others.

Newsdesk Editor