Maple Provides the Ultimate Experience

Published on July 28, 2022

Maple, a new platform designed to provide experiences and connections, announced that it’s incorporating Web3 and VR experiences in the platform in a world that will be called the “Mapleverse.” Maple will launch in mid-August & start its nationwide expansion as early as September. The company started early sign-ups for the Mapleverse, which is expected to open by December.

The company, which focuses on connecting cool experiences with like-minded individuals, will launch this Fall. Founders Sebastian Galindo (CEO), Saul Vargas (CTO), and Jacob Nolan (COO) worked together in a company that ended up failing/dissolving due to a lack of funds, with some members that were jeopardizing the company.

“I was devastated and really upset when the first venture did not work out, but after restless nights, I thought to myself that I must learn from these past mistakes and keep moving forward. Failing did not change the fact that I was getting these crazy ideas that I know will change how people interact and meet in the near future. Galindo explained, “I feel an obligation to the world to show how we can help and provide amazing experiences with connections.”

At the moment, Maple is being bootstrapped, and the team is aware of how tight the financials are, but are optimistic to keep recruiting talent with the passion and innovative goals that the company has. The company has 16 full-time employees working in-person and remotely to achieve the ambitious goals and vision of the founders.

“I was raised by a single mother, and now I can fully understand how it feels to want to give the best to your kids, even if that means taking less for yourself. We are living in air mattresses on the floor, because every dollar we can save is allocated towards payroll for our team,” Nolan described.

After talking to thousands of people, the founders realized that technology claims to bring people together and help them connect. However, the reality is people feel disconnected, and there are many barriers to meeting people if you are new in a city, for example. The goal is to help people explore fun places and meet like-minded individuals.

Using GEO-location, Maple shows you all the cool places in your area, giving you the option to buy tickets for daytime activities, make reservations in restaurants, and more. It also gives you the option to seek like-minded individuals in your area, so you can plan and meet that person in the place agreed on.

“I believe that everything can be achieved in life with hard work and dedication. We are on a mission to change the world and impact society in a positive way with the right use of technology,” Vargas mentioned.

The company is integrating Web3 to the platform with NFTs and, later this year, the integration of a metaverse. Users will be able to mint NFTs by making reservations & interacting with the platform. The founders are also considering having a Maple stable coin for in-app purchases in both Maple and Mapleverse.

“We believe that blockchain technology, DAOs, and soon the metaverse will be extremely normal in the near future, and we want to play a major role in that,” Galindo said.

Newsdesk Editor