The Ritz Herald
Lucio Buffalmano

An Interview With Lucio Buffalmano

Published on August 04, 2022

Lucio Buffalmano is a social scientist, globetrotter entrepreneur, author, and founder of the e-learning platform

Lucio succeeded in the competitive self-help industry by pioneering a groundbreaking approach to personal development and social skills founded around power dynamics and “enlightened cooperation.”

Let’s get to know him better.

So let’s start first by understanding better: what exactly are power dynamics and enlightened cooperation?

Great question.

Let’s break them up and start with enlightened cooperation.

The idea is based on the simple realization that we are social animals.

At an individual level, we need -and often want- others for survival, reproduction, mental well-being, and flourishing.

And at a societal level, we need cooperation for progress and for civilization itself -just look around, and everything you see was done through some form of cooperation among individuals.

On the other hand, we can’t just say “cooperate more.” That would be naïve because defection, aggression, cheating, and manipulation are also part and parcel of human nature.

Enlightened cooperation then means to ground our goals of cooperation and win-win, be it in love, friendships, or business, within the reality of human nature, including its darker aspects.

That makes sense. And how about power dynamics?

Let me give you the “practical” answer.

Have you ever had someone make a joke that felt just ever so slightly offensive, touch you while talking, tell you to do something even though they’re not your boss, or just simply arrive late at an appointment?

Lots of times, yes. Is that connected to power dynamics?

You bet.

That’s all power dynamics.

All examples of the almost infinite possible “power moves” with which people negotiate power and status (but also respect, attraction, and liking).

Handle these seemingly meaningless and mundane exchanges poorly, and people subconsciously lose respect for you.
Handle them poorly in groups, and you get pushed -or kept- at the bottom.

Conversely, win or effectively navigate those challenges, and you will rise up and up. Maybe to the top.
And maybe, hopefully, you will be a value-adding leader.

That’s what we teach at

Sounds incredible. How come you said, “we”? Is there someone else behind what you do?

You’re very observant :).

And you’re right.

It may have started off as a “Lucio idea”.

But today, Power University – its main product – and power dynamics as a discipline are in good and growing part community-driven.

Just recently, Transitioned/Kevin perfectly summarized the community-driven growth of Power University.

He says (redacted for brevity):

At the start I felt that it (Power University) was brilliant and had gaps.
Then I felt that it was amazing comprehensive but hard to apply without default actions.   Those formed over the last year.
Now with the latest PU update I can’t see any weaknesses only gold as far as the eye can see.
The forum helped as evolution engine, how most fields grow: pioneers, then more people to evolve it.
I don’t think even Lucio could have done this in a vacuum.

Awesome as usual, Kevin was very giving in assigning that much credit to me  -also notice he wrote “and had gaps”, a more uplifting choice, rather than “but had gaps”-.

But he perfectly described the evolution of Power University.

No way I could have done it myself.

Just like a combustion engine, there was an initial spark. And the community provided the fuel to propel it to where it is right now and where it’s going to go.

Incredible, how did you come up with that initial spark?

I was into self-development, both personal and social (the way I see it, all self-development overlaps anyway).

And for all the books, videos, and courses I consumed, it was obvious to me that something was missing.

There were a few moments that clearly showed that to me.

Some of them were larger or longer-term.

For example, colleagues bullied, fired and robbed of their rights; friends manipulated and trapped into win-lose relationships; “too nice girls” girlfriends who let the world take advantage of them; and family members who failed to recognize brewing frenemies for decades (and later turned into enemies).

And then were the “lighter” daily games and power moves -what we now classify as “one-up”, “covert power moves”, social climbing, etc. But it would be a mistake to think of lighter, shorter-term power moves as inconsequential.

First off, they serve as important red flags of character when over-used. Second, they disempower you, add up over time, and push you to the bottom of the social hierarchy if unaddressed. And third, they’re slippery slopes that can lead to win-lose, dysfunctional, or abusive relationships.

Power dynamics is the common thread among all.

It allows you to see the disempowering attacks, enforce boundaries early on, spot and avoid toxic people, and set up relationships for win-win.

Fantastic. Do you have any suggestions for other aspiring entrepreneurs who’d like to do something similar?

I don’t define myself as an entrepreneur.

More something along the lines of “a guy busy creating an effective system for personal development and social success”.
Something like that.

So that may be my advice:

Scratch becoming an entrepreneur, but seek to find your unique way to add value and improve people’s lives.

To use Viktor Frankl’s famous quote, we could say:

“Entrepreneurship cannot be pursued, it must ensue.”

Wonderful. How can people connect with you if they want to learn more?

If one is interested in learning more about power dynamics, then everything is on and, even more, in Power University (which also grants access to the forum/community.

Newsdesk Editor