The Ritz Herald
Lusene Donzo

Liberian Entrepreneur With an Inspirational Story to Business Story

Published on July 22, 2022

US Officer Lusene Donzo is an Entrepreneur with an Inspirational Story to Business story. This Liberian native currently serves as a Field Artillery Officer in the US Army and now helps new entrepreneur & creators grow their income using personal and business credit through social media and digital products. While serving in the military, he is learning how to lead an organization to become successful in his company and battalion, helping him with his entrepreneurial journey by applying the lessons learned to his business. Having been in for eight years in the US Army, Lusene says learning time management, leadership, and organizational skills at such an early age was a massive advantage for him at 22 when he first enlisted. His peers in college were sitting in lectures while serving his country while also being in school and ROTC. He does admit that the military has its cons, just like everything else, but he doesn’t regret enlisting.

When he started his journey into entrepreneurship, his purpose was to help clients build wealth through credit education and alternative social media to grow their brand and establish more credibility. Lusene love for entrepreneurship was founded on the goal of helping bridge the wealth gap in America. He executes his mission by educating Americans on credit, business, and how to leverage “other people’s money,” then using that money to help his clients start a business and sell their knowledge in courses; eBooks get business funding up to 100k, where he coaches them on how to establish themselves as a digital entrepreneur.

Beyond business, Lusene can be found mentoring and telling his story as a Professional Speaker. Since 2018, he’s been a member of the Killeen Toastmaster located in Killeen, TX. During his time in Killeen, he spoke voluntarily at several schools. Lusene’s goal is to educate high school students on credit education and inspire them with his story of how he overcame a grand mal seizure at the at of 24 in 2016. He says that his desire to become one of the nation’s top speakers will only happen if he keeps on being persistent in helping change and inspiring others to become their best selves in this world.

Apart from his vision of becoming one of the world’s top speakers in the future, making business and finance easy for every American, Lusene Donzo has created Lusene Donzo & Associates, where he brings a community of people together of all entrepreneurship levels to discuss all things related to building wealth, motivating, and inspiring his clients. This community came in high demand based on the free information he would put on his Instagram Story. So instead of putting out information that would expire within 24 hours, he took it a step further by creating a mentorship that helps new entrepreneurs and coaches to continue to grow their income with the vast amount of network he has built over the last three years of his journey as an entrepreneur.

Lusene Donzo is someone who’s on a mission to leave earth in a better position than when he first got here.

Find valuable content on his Instagram: @lusene2motivate

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