Levitt Robinson Solicitors Levelling the Playing Field for Almost 40 Years

Published on February 29, 2024

Levitt Robinson has built a reputation to level the playing field between individuals and large public and private corporations, institutions, and governments since it was founded in 1985 by Stewart Levitt, who remains at the firm’s helm as Senior Partner.

Stewart Levitt, sums up his unique approach to the practice of law saying, “we leverage the power of the media, through traditional PR, and political lobbying to change the tide of public opinion and generate support for our clients’ position.”

By shining a spotlight on corporations’ misleading and deceptive conduct, violations of industry codes of conducts, unfair business practices and breaches of equitable obligations, Levitt Robinson turns the tide of public opinion, exerts pressure on public and private individuals, institutions and/or corporations to ‘do the right thing’.

The firm’s unique approach to litigation involves harnessing the power of traditional PR, media campaigns, and political lobbying, and has bolstered consumer protections for individuals, and secured ‘wins’ for individual groups through verdict monies – namely compensation and/or damages – and/or negotiated settlements.

The net result is a ‘win’ for the firms’ clients, and, indeed, for the industry in question with widespread policy reform and amendments to industry specific Codes of Conduct catalysed by litigation. The firm’s founder, Stewart Levitt, offers the Franchising Code of Conduct as an example. “Litigation coupled with media strategy, catalysed amendments to the Franchising Code, while the very real cost of more adverse publicity, encouraged the corporation in question to sit-down at the settlement table, earlier than they otherwise might.”

Levitt Robinson’s capacity to develop creative, ‘outside the box’ legal strategy, its appetite for tackling complex legal problems, corporate and legal heavyweights, with deep pockets and never-ending resources, and its capacity to ‘win’, has seen it level the playing field for clients specifically, and society generally.

Newsdesk Editor