The Ritz Herald
From left, Knights of Columbus Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, Michael McGivney Schachle, Daniel Schachle and Michelle Schachle cut the ribbon on the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center. © Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus Marks Founder’s Beatification With Weekend-Long Celebration

The new blessed's liturgical memorial will be observed annually on Aug. 13, the day between his birth (Aug. 12) and death (Aug. 14)

Published on November 03, 2020

The Knights of Columbus marked Father Michael McGivney’s beatification with a weekend-long celebration, including a ribbon cutting at the new Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center in New Haven, Conn.

The weekend’s festivities began with members of the clergy, Knights of Columbus and guests gathered at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., on Friday, Oct. 30, the eve of Father Michael McGivney’s beatification, for a “Prayer Vigil for Priests.” Archbishop Leonard Blair of Hartford presided over the vigil, which included reflections about Father McGivney’s daily life as a priest and lessons on the example he offers clergy today.

The reflections were offered by Msgr. Joseph Donnelly, pastor of Sacred Heart Church in Southbury, Conn.; Dominican Father Gabriel O’Donnell, director of the Father McGivney Guild and vice postulator of the cause for canonization; Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, who serves as supreme chaplain of the Knights of Columbus; and Daniel Schachle, a Knights of Columbus general agent and the father of Michael McGivney Schachle, the 5-year-old recipient of the miracle which led to Father McGivney’s beatification.

During the vigil, Daniel Schachle spoke about his son’s miraculous healing and the journey that led them there.

Daniel Schachle said, “We are so humbled by this extra grace from heaven. We didn’t deserve it; we just kept doing what we thought God would want.” Schachle added, “Our founder is proof that one good priest can make a difference for the whole world.”

On Saturday, Oct. 31, the Catholic Church declared Father Michael J. McGivney “blessed,” the final step before canonization as a saint.

Father McGivney was accorded the title “Blessed” through an apostolic letter from Pope Francis that was read in Latin by Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, N.J., as part of the Mass of beatification at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Conn. A tapestry of Father McGivney’s portrait was unveiled in the cathedral sanctuary after the letter was read.

Pope Francis credited Blessed Michael McGivney for his “zeal for the proclamation of the Gospel and generous concern for his brothers and sisters” that “made him an outstanding witness of Christian solidarity and fraternal assistance.”

After reciting his Angelus on Sunday, Nov. 1, Pope Francis spoke of the Knights’ founder: “Yesterday, in Hartford, in the United States of America, Michael McGivney, diocesan priest, founder of the Knights of Columbus, was proclaimed blessed. Committed to evangelization, he did his utmost to meet the needs of the needy, promoting mutual aid. May his example stimulate us all to bear witness more and more to the Gospel of charity. A round of applause to the new blessed!”

Celebrations continued in New Haven with a ribbon cutting at the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center on Sunday. The center will be located at the current Knights of Columbus Museum in New Haven, Conn.

When he first announced the center this August, Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said, “While the museum will continue to recount the Knights’ history, it will also broaden its mission by focusing more on the spirituality and charitable vision of our founder and his legacy. A visit to the Blessed Michael McGivney Pilgrimage Center will enhance the formative experience of a pilgrimage to Father McGivney’s tomb at St. Mary’s.”

The weekend concluded with a Mass of thanksgiving for newly Blessed Michael McGivney at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn. Supreme Chaplain Lori was the main celebrant of the Mass, joined by Archbishop Leonard Blair of Hartford, his predecessor Archbishop Daniel Cronin who initiated Father McGivney’s cause for canonization in 1997, and also Archbishop Mieczysław Mokrzycki of Lviv, Ukraine, to which the Knights expanded in 2013.

Anderson spoke at the conclusion of Mass about McGivney. He described his missionary spirit, working on the peripheries in a century when the Catholic Church regarded the U.S., and even St. Mary’s parish, as “mission territory.” It was also a time when Catholics confronted prejudice and violence for their faith. But it was these circumstances that inspired Blessed McGivney’s “great achievement” — the founding of the Knights of Columbus.

“Father McGivney would not allow his parish to become a ghetto,” Supreme Knight Anderson said. “Nor would his rectory be a cloister. He would not be a bystander to the great challenges of his day. He was a parish priest who would be in the world, but not of it.”

Supreme Knight Anderson added, “This is how Father McGivney lived his life as a parish priest. This is why today we call him blessed. And this is where we find his spiritual genius: He opened a practical path for millions of men to follow him in living this truth of Christian charity.”

The Mass concluded with Supreme Chaplain Lori presenting Archbishop Blair with a major relic of Blessed McGivney for the Cathedral in Hartford, as well as a recitation of the prayer for canonization at Blessed McGivney’s tomb.

Newsdesk Editor