Kerching is Australia’s Leading Cashback Giant With Its Innovative Business Model

Published on November 10, 2022

The current economic climate makes saving money and having more saving options paramount. This has made marketing gimmicks even more popular, including bundled packages, bulk discounts, and cashbacks. According to Power Retail Australia, 35% of online shoppers have utilized money-back programs to make online purchases in the last six months of 2021. Over a third of online shoppers have used cashback benefits at least once in 2021 alone.

More than 5 million Australian households participate in online shopping each month, according to the 2022 Savvy Report. In the last calendar year, Australians spent a record of $62.3 billion online.

Kerching, set to be one of Australia’s cashback giants, has been taking the lead in this trend. It has been nailing the online shopping game with its innovative shopping features and a wide variety of cash-saving options.

Kerching is an Australian-owned online shopping website that markets over 1600 retailers and 100 million products in Australia. The company offers an excellent online shopping experience with their unique, efficient, and cash-saving benefit options. It has developed strategic retailer partnerships allowing Australians to save even more money and time.

Exceptional background and experience

Even without investors and only through hours of extensive research, Kerching has completed a unique, innovative, and world-class website, unlike its competitors, who have millions of dollars in investment funds. With only two key people and two world-class creative consultants, they have achieved a unique program with far more options than other online shopping sites.

Kerching executives have been in the rewards and benefits industry for over 22 years. They have built and launched Personalised Employee Benefits programs for some of Australia’s largest organizations – Wesfarmers, Nokia, Crown Casino, Clipsal, Schneider Electric, AGL, Australian Federal Police, Repco, St. George Private Bank, Optus, Virgin Aust, to name a few – a true testament that Australia’s most prominent names put their trust in Kerching’s executives.

Known to be the leading industry expert, Kerching’s executives have had a kick start of more than 22 years in negotiations with corporations and retail organisations. They were the main key figures and driving force to the market, introducing a fully functional online shopping program into the Australian corporate industry.

“We are innovative. We push the boundaries to get the desired results. We meet the requirements of every company’s mandate – trust, reliability, customer service, and state-of-the-art technology,” Rebekah Darmody, Founder and Managing Director of Kerching, shares.

Seamless and top-tier shopping experience with cashback benefits

To help Australians save more money, Kerching has innovated a price comparison program with cashback PLUS, a point-scan-purchase process that enables users to see a list of scaled prices and retailers with cashbacks using an in-app barcode scanner. Users are immediately given the best options on where they can save more.

The KerchingApp and Kerching’s Komparison (with cashback) on the website or desktop application have an extensive search engine loaded with millions of products, incorporated into 20 different categories and over 100 subcategories such as fashion, technology, dining, groceries, health & beauty, home & garden, sports, pets, and books & magazines, in order to simplify the users’ search. These can help users shop what they specifically like from thousands of products they can choose from.

Aside from these features, Kerching still has a lot of unique offerings. Kerching users can enjoy incentivized purchases of domestic and international concerts, fast chemist prescription services, price drop notifications, and a cashback calculator. How much extra cash you earn using Kerching over 12 months can be calculated in just 60 seconds.

The Kerching team wanted to ensure that users get the best personal experience. So they created a personalized choice, a choose your own Category Preference. Through this, users can only see what interests them and not what interests the others.

Kerching is also the only cashback service that offers a reliable 45-day approval, compared to its competitors, which usually take 90-100 days.

“We take pride in being innovative and skilled in our industry. We don’t wait for opportunities to present themselves, we search out the best offers and then deliver them back to our members. We believe that no matter your position in society, nobody wants to pay more than what they have to. This is why Kerching is so powerful. It delivers some exclusive benefits that others may have thought about but did nothing,” Darmody adds.

Kerching aspires to connect to more online shoppers by making their service available to the world soon.

Newsroom Editor