The Ritz Herald
Kasam Cazir. © Brandon Gill

Kasam Cazir’s Roadmap as an Entrepreneurial Leader

Published on September 27, 2021

Every industry and individual on the face of this planet aims for growth. Nonetheless, it is necessary to understand how volatile these industries can be and how hard it is to initiate a cause. Kasam Cazir, a resident of Manhattan, New York, tries his level best to showcase what he has learned in the real world. From the theoretical realm to the practical one, here is his story.

Who is Kasam Cazir?

Kasam Cazir is an Executive Brand Manager and Architect. He has studied business at the University of Exeter and architecture at Columbia University in New York. In addition, an ongoing master’s program from the University of East London has provided him ample knowledge to determine who he is and what he aims to do.


In today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world, a primary concern is the traits that should come along with entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs don’t necessarily need a world-changing idea but primarily need to do everything themselves, from coming up with the project to executing them as well.

An entrepreneur can be termed as a one-man army initially. Even in the field of architecture, leaving a mark isn’t a child’s play. Cazir understood this quite reasonably so, after the completion of his professional education, Cazir started working on innovative and significant projects. One of the most notable few is coordinating events for the United Nations and the IMG fashion sector.

Taking the lead

As mentioned, no one would serve your food on a plate. An entrepreneur is responsible for initiating a venture, setting up the necessary resources, and presuming the risks associated with such projects. Not only does a leader or initiator have an idea, but it should also be a viable one. An entrepreneurial leader needs to assemble the funds, people, machinery, and even the place for the project.

An entrepreneurial leader isn’t satisfied with what they see in the present. They are visionary individuals, similar to other leaders. They love innovation and jump out of the status quo. They can learn and adjust and are super consistent and accurate in their dealings.

New Initiations

Cazir, similar to the traits mentioned above, is leading the construction of a university in Dubai. The particular emphasis is given to fine arts. In addition, Cazir is also the founder of one of the most esteemed and prestigious societies: the Mens Daily Class LLC. The platform aims to bring together individuals who pitch in from all parts of the world for noble causes. Cazir aims to get more influential individuals on board to gather enough funds and help those in need.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Life as an ambitious and visionary person isn’t always easy. When inquired about the challenges Cazir has faced, he mentions being acquainted with people who were not suitable for him—partnering with someone who isn’t on the same wavelength as you can get you in a lot of trouble.

Despite the challenges that come along with all of one’s life expeditions, entrepreneurs like Cazir learn and grow from them. He advises everyone else never to quit and not to fear failure. The future grand architect of Dubai is on point as failures are part of life too. But entrepreneurial leaders do not quit because of their losses. Similarly, thanks to his resilience and persistence, Cazir is still thriving.

Final words

The entrepreneur aims to open more universities and education institutes in both Dubai and North America. Despite the hardships and challenges in life, he has made it through them and continues to strive for better with the Mens Daily Class LLC, who are still searching for elite individuals from all around the globe.

Newsdesk Editor