The Ritz Herald
Photo from Justin Eggen

Justin Eggen’s Pen Captures the Essence of a Warrior’s Spirit

Writing the verses and echoes of war from the frontlines

Published on November 03, 2023

Hailing from Florida, Justin Eggen embarked on a path filled with notable achievements. He explored the contrasting worlds of the Marine Corps and literature. “I found brotherhood in the Marine Corps. It was more than a job; it is a way of life,” he recalls. Serving from 2008 to 2012 as a combat engineer with the 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, Marjah in 2010, and Sangin in 2011 were more than combat zones for Eggen. They symbolized sacrifice, stories, and unbreakable bonds amidst the threats of IEDs.

His “War Poetry” reflects these experiences. “Each verse captures a memory,” said Eggen. “It’s raw and real, mirroring what many of us endured.” His collection, with titles like “The Art of Warrior Poetry” and “The Sun Rises in Helmand,” delves into the warrior’s spirit, capturing war’s raw emotions. These works have garnered him awards and the respect of literary critics and fellow veterans.

Taking Off the Combat Boots to a Scholarly Path

Yet, Eggen’s journey extends beyond the battlefield. After the Marine Corps, he pursued academia, earning a B.A. & M.A. in Political Science. He’s now working toward his Ph.D. at Florida Atlantic University. “The battlefield taught me resilience, while academia provided introspection,” he notes.

Eggen’s leadership at Pressure Plate Publishing House is a testament to his literary dedication. He sees it not merely as a publisher but as a movement advocating authentic personal narratives. Reflecting on this, he notes, “It’s about writing genuine stories amidst changing literary trends.”

Flipping to the Next Page of War Poetry’s Future

Eggen’s upcoming works, set to launch in 2024, promise more profound insights into human emotions and experiences. Pressure Plate Publishing House, aiming to amplify 21st-century storytellers, is the perfect platform for his tales. “Every story is a fragment of me,” he shares. “It’s my legacy with my brothers in arms. So much has unfolded, but this is just the beginning,” he hints, suggesting a bright literary future aligned with Pressure Plate’s vision.

Amidst global chaos and division, Justin Eggen’s voice stands out. His writings, reflecting courage and compassion, have found a home at Pressure Plate Publishing House, with virtual writing workshops and symposiums on the horizon. As he crafts his narratives, one wonders: What’s next for this warrior poet? Eggen ponders, “Do we sit by, allowing others to dictate our legacy, or do we, with a firm hand, take control of our narratives, leading the way for a more enlightened understanding of the human experience?”

Culture Editor