Nature is the doctor we all need, but only a few know how to access and benefit from it. Unfortunately, our inability to see Mother Nature as the healer has made us fall prey to quick-fix pharmaceuticals and depend on unnatural and, in some cases, unhealthy medicinal aid. As a result, instead of creating long-term healing, it only presents short-term bandaids that need more and more medical assistance to sustain themselves. This is where two working moms chose to break the chain. Jewel Zimmer and Taylor Lamb’s innovative brand Juna offers working women a revolutionary product called Detox Drops to help them biohack their way to good health.
Health has become an utmost priority today. Men and women have become more ambitious and seek to make the most of their time to fulfill their dreams. Gone are the days when one could take out a week to treat a cold or lie low to let a stressful phase pass. Those living in the fast lane need quick solutions. While Big Pharma is happy to oblige, more and more women are waking up to the reality of long-term unnatural drug usage.
Jewel and Taylor decided to delve into the plant world to see what fruits it may bear to help relieve stress. Following a lot of R&D, Juna’s Detox Drops was born. Talking about the product, Jewel, Juna’s CEO, and Founder, says, “Detox is an internal process. It’s about getting rid of toxins that bring our system down from the inside. Inside the body is a natural, organic ecosystem of chemicals, and the best way to deal with them is plant-based solutions. We see Detox Drops as the ultimate agent for daily detoxification. It improves digestion, supports debloating, and boosts overall health.”
Most plant-based methods or natural alternatives often taste bitter and unpleasant. This puts off many initial users whose taste buds have been sabotaged to some degree by the constant bombardment of external chemicals. However, that’s not a problem for Juna after seeing the results of a blind study where 10/10 women chose Juna’s Detox drops over its competitors due to the refreshing taste and effectiveness.
“I love how it [Juna’s Detox Drops] makes me want to drink more water with the subtle lemon/mint flavor. The other one tastes like dirty ocean water.” – Emily M.
“I’ve tried so many detox powders and drinks but can never stay consistent because the taste is so intolerable. Juna’s Detox drops actually taste amazing, and I look forward to starting my morning with them.” – Karina B.

Taylor, Co-Founder, and CMO say, “Not only do our Detox Drops taste great, but the product also helps boost energy levels and eliminate internal toxins caused by pollution. It also aids in digestion, thus aiding liver detoxification and healthy skin and hair/nail growth. Furthermore, it improves blood circulation, which is great for me since I’m 6 months pregnant. I start every morning with it and have personally experienced the endless benefits.”
For more information about the company and products, please visit, or email if you have any questions for the founders.