For people on Instagram like you, Godsbleach surely rings a bell. Josh Wheeler is the face behind the fun and great account @Godsbleach. Right now, he is a viral Instagram sensation, and his popularity is now expanding around the globe. Josh has built a massive following of over 600K followers. Considering this, he is now even more inspired to bring better memes and more fun for everyone.
What became clear is that Josh gained influence. Who could imagine that his hobby of discovering and doing amusing things would bring him to fame? Well, that’s what fueled his success online. He was just 15 years old when he first started the account, and two years on, he has grown to become more in tune with his inner self.
The influence that Josh has on both local and global Instagram community has brought him great opportunities. Aside from being recognized on the street to even while he’s on holiday, he was also able to make it highly profitable. Josh now has a brand, and it is well recognized when it comes to great discoveries. One of the most recognizable products he successfully promoted and bought forward was the use of metal straws that many environmentalists admired. There will be less trash in the world because of this simple invention that was popularized by Josh.
The following that his other account @Godsbleach established also opened an excellent business for Josh. This and his personal are well-known accounts to many celebrities like Yung Gravy, Eminem, and many more. It opened the doors for advertising offers and paid promotions. Josh makes sure that he bonds and befriends people of such to keep the close relationship. From this, he has received backstage tickets for free to the concerts of Yung Gravy and BB no money.
The account Godsbleach is a blessing to Josh that he even commented about it during an interview. It is a big part of his life, especially that it allows him to explore his passion for discovering and sharing most amusing things in life. He added that not everything comes easy; throughout the process, before he achieved success, there were many ups and downs. But despite these, he was able to manage to keep his following and share even more fun and memes that spark positivity.
If you’re living in a community where Josh lives, you would know that he is a very humble young man. Even though many people already recognize him for instant fame, he tends to have a pretty standard day-to-day life. Josh is very close to his family and is also very friendly. He maintains a good relationship with them and stays close as much as he can. He values the importance of family and friends just like any young man of his age would, and should.