The Ritz Herald
© HoFookKei

Jewelry Brand HoFookKei Launches Program to Help in Battle Against COVID-19 in the U.S.

The brand will donate $1 for each sale of its products as part of the program

Published on July 28, 2021

HoFookKei, a jewelry brand co-founded by renowned Japanese designer AOI NATSUKI and Hong Kong-based ZISSIUM have recently taken a step forward in the U.S. market in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the sustainability of the jewelry industry by launching the “Kindling the Light of Hope” program. As part of the program, HoFookKei will support various organizations in the US involved in combating the pandemic by donating US$1 to them with each sale of its products. As a result, shoppers can contribute to the fight against the pandemic by purchasing HoFookKei jewelry.

Given the tremendous impact of the pandemic worldwide, HoFookKei hopes to make continuous contributions that help in overcoming COVID-19, by joining the collective efforts to eliminate the virus and, more generally, prevent the spread of epidemics from new viruses in the future.

The HoFookKei program is designed to aid the economically disadvantaged communities worldwide that are threatened by Covid-19. “We believe that with the launch of the program, the brand will support the creation of a better future for all by donating a percentage of sales from the HoFookKei series of jewelry,” said Yuki Kawakubo from HoFookKei.

In September 2020, the ad-hoc team that HoFookKei assembled with the sole mission of relieving the suffering caused by the pandemic put forward a bold vision: helping millions of people create a better future for themselves by leveraging the power of jewelry and women.

HoFookKei’s designers have joined the chorus that says that women can change the world just as effectively as men by standing up to the pandemic and, in this case, doing so via new designs for earrings and necklaces. In addition, donations from a portion of sales of the products will go towards activities that help in controlling and overcoming the pandemic.

As a sustainable enterprise, HoFookKei has been committed to helping create a world where everyone can thrive through social, environmental, and economic progress. In line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the brand targets sustainable growth by taking measures to protect the environment and coexist with nature which gives birth to exquisite gems and minerals, in an effort to promote overall growth of the jewelry sector.

To deliver on the promise and help achieve the SDGs, HoFookKei plans to continue innovative efforts based on its partnership development strategy, which creates shared values for the brand and its partners and enables the firm to establish productive and rewarding relationships with internal and external stakeholders with a special focus on responsible consumption and production.

Lifestyle Editor