My Instagram feed was inundated with big smiles, breathtaking views, and pinkies up. It was impossible to avoid. What was this? How were these folks on trips of a lifetime, visiting destinations that once seemed impossible? It is possible, but how?

Enter Jared Rosenberg: scholar, traveler, social media savant, and Pinkypreneur™. The traveling world needed a man with vision, virility, and a willingness to put the archaic ways of other travel agents behind. Alas, Jared Rosenberg, chief executive and founder of Pinky Up Travel, is turning the travel world upside down. Like the immaculate conception, no one really knows how Pinky Up Travel came to be. Just that it is here to stay. If you ask the man some call the “Emperor of Travel,” he may say the epiphany came to him whilst sailing near the Gold Coast of Australia, or perhaps deep in the jungles of Borneo.
Regardless of the context surrounding the genesis of Mr. Rosenberg’s travel movement, the mission remains consistent: affordability, sustainability, and respect for indigenous populations. Through his travels to over 100 countries, he has become an expert in the industry.
His number one priority has always been providing his clientele the best experience at the best price (the company slogan is “Save Money Travel Better,” after all). What sets Mr. Rosenberg apart is the personal relationships he has cultivated across the globe, which provide his clients with unparalleled prices and experiences. He works around the clock to maintain relationships that transcend international borders, space, and time. Like the Tesla of travel agents, Pinky Up Travel clients obtain deals straight from the source. In fact, Pinky Up clients may end up paying one-third of the price a layperson would pay for the same five-star experience.
Additionally, Pinky Up has a unique commitment to sustainability and ecotourism. According to Mr. Rosenberg, his arch-nemesis is ocean plastic and his mantra is “a man who disrespects the world is no man at all.” Thus, Mr. Rosenberg has an intrinsic motivation for ensuring his clients travel sustainably, with the wellness of the Earth in mind.
A cosmopolitan man, Mr. Rosenberg’s interactions with people all over the globe have softened his alarmingly enormous heart. Consequently, an integral part of the Pinky Up lifestyle is guaranteeing a percentage of the proceeds go to charitable organizations that benefit local populations in countries across the globe. For example, Mr. Rosenberg has a deep involvement with the Homestay Volunteer Teachers Organization (HVTO), which promotes education in impoverished Cambodian villages, and with Sula’s village tours, which provide crucial economic support to the rural communities of Rwanda. PinkyUpTravel gives back!
PinkyUp isn’t just a travel company. It is the manifestation of one man’s hopes and dreams; it is a friendship and a lifestyle. PinkyUpTravel means luxury and exclusivity.
Where will you go next? Australia? Peru? India? Antigonish? Time will tell, but one thing is certain, you are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. Sit back, relax, and let PinkyUpTravel take care of the rest!
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