Interview With Rui Goncalves of Magellan Consulting Group

Published on December 08, 2021

Rui is a pragmatic, hands-on, and results-oriented consulting executive. He helps businesses create a high-performance culture to become highly profitable and competitive from the inside.

He is passionate about business transformation. Rui works with C-level management to accelerate transformation with predictability to improve operational and financial performance. He has acquired excellent Transformation expertise in Mining & Metals, Industrial Manufacturing, and Supply Chain.

The following is an interview with Rui Goncalves:

What motivated you to start Magellan Consulting Group. How did the idea come about?

To create a modern and innovative operations and supply chain consulting business model. We focus on Business Transformation and Performance at a tactical and operational model, helping our clients be more productive and profitable in a sustainable fashion.

From my working experience across multiple industries and geographies, I assessed that ‘old school’ operations and supply chain consulting firms’ business models were outdated and no longer could offer clients higher value creation [Ex: the use of rudimentary tools and broken approaches to business performance i.e., focus only on short term wins rather than on operational strategy; or implementing Excel Spreadsheet to run business operations]. Most of these companies continue to run their operations with decades-old business models without any significant innovation in their services and products. They completely missed the technology aspect of business performance and transformation. They remain focused on people, processes, and tools without upgrading consultants’ skills in areas such as industry 4.0 applications, digitalization, and artificial intelligence, to name a few.

So, at Magellan Consulting Group, we bring together ‘old school’ consulting best practices, methodology, and techniques with Data Science, Technology, and Industry 4.0, under our Consulting 4.0 approach.

What was your mission at the beginning of starting your business?

To deliver the highest business performance to our clients, creating in the process more wealth for everyone involved, including our clients, their employees, and our employees and associates – wealth creation for all stakeholders is our ultimate goal.

What do you attribute your success to? Is there a trait you have or a person who helped you along the way?

IMO, a few fundamental aspects are common to every successful person, such as having a vision with a plan, hard work, self-discipline, persistence, and stamina. Additionally, in the consulting management field, a mindset of continuous learning and networking is paramount – relationships are the cornerstone of our business.

When times get tough, what would you say motivates you to keep going? To not hit the snooze button and to keep fighting for your goals.

First, the big picture in the long run – projecting long-term business and personal goals rather than focusing on short-term failures. Second, we have a complete business model that creates real value. In that regard, I have integrated that roadblocks and failures are part of the journey, and most importantly, I have learned to learn from it.

Employees are one of the most important players to succeed in business. What do you look for in an employee?

In management consulting, People are almost everything. I look for Ownership [this goes with accountability]. Our business model was crafted around bringing real bottom-line value to our clients, to own that is to me, essential. Secondly, I look for the ability to work with other people, internal or clients, and ultimately problem-solving capabilities as business problems have become more complex. Being creative and innovative to solve any problem is paramount.

What is unique about your business? Is there a competitive advantage that you have over the rest?

A modern and innovative management consulting model with a truly holistic approach to business performance. Our business model looks beyond people and processes into technology and business sustainability. Without technology today, management solutions cannot be sustainable, it is as simple as that. As an example, one of the most significant diseases, IMO, in business today is the generalization of Excel Spreadsheets conducted to nonstandard and manual processes, errors, delayed critical information, etc. We go by the slogan ‘No excel spreadsheets left behind’ in our engagements.

Magellan, as a company, brings technology and its implementation to the mix of process optimization and people management. In doing so, companies no longer have to work with multiple vendors that provide fragmented services but with a single, robust team of experts.

Have you ever gotten a disappointed client or customer? If so, how did you handle the situation?

Not disappointed. But, in what we do, there are always minor misunderstandings. Examples are expectations about deliverables or the use of people with particular skills for a specific scope of work. My strategy is to face it as soon as I become aware. Negotiation techniques through collaboration are the solution to solve these minor yet essential roadblocks and keep the long-term relationship ‘healthy’.

Is there a type of marketing that has worked amazingly for Magellan Consulting Group? If so, how did you stumble upon it?

Our best marketing tools are the results of our engagements. As a boutique company, referrals and references are the cornerstones to getting to new clients. Besides, we have also used some focused e-mailing with a third party working well.

Are there any resources that helped you on your journey to becoming a business owner?

Our Executive Leadership across our three global locations, USA, France, and Brazil, have had a crucial role in contributing to the development and success of Magellan Consulting Group.

What are the three best pieces of advice that you would give to anyone starting a business? What do they need to know from the very beginning?

Be prepared – it is a long journey with a bumpy road. In the beginning, being a CEO meant Chief Everything Officer. It does take a lot of self-discipline, stamina, and seeing the big picture all the time. Perseverance is paramount. In my perspective, a routine that integrates time to focus and think outside the box is critical too. Here’s a glimpse of mine: I take long runs twice a week and get the most audacious and innovative ideas for the business.

Learn how to negotiate and communicate effectively. When you are an entrepreneur, everything needs to be built from scratch, so those skills really make a difference, either with clients, employees or suppliers. Negotiation and communication are the most underrated skills in business. This is also essential to Leadership and decision-making – many small, yet important decisions must be made almost daily. These skills will naturally expand your networking which is crucial in management consulting.

Always look at the big picture – where do you want to be in the next 3/5/10 years. This keeps motivation up and allows time to learn from failures. The entrepreneurial mindset is a long-term project, so the perspective is essential.

Business Editor