The Ritz Herald
Ramesses Khalfani

Interview With Ramesses Khalfani

Published on November 10, 2022

Ramesses Khalfani is named “Top 40 African entrepreneurs under 40”. He’s a real estate mogul throughout the world, a lifestyle coach, and created the first mobile fitness and sports training company– he is simply incredible!

We had the great pleasure interviewing Ramesses on his entrepreneurial experience, daily life, and more. He offers stellar advice for entrepreneurs, and he is a great example of hard work and determination for anyone who wants to be more successful in his/her career.

Ramesses, welcome! I want to get through these as quickly as possible because I know you’re a busy man, so let’s dive right in.

Thank you for having me, and please, take your time.

As a successful entrepreneur, what are some of your daily habits that you would say contribute to your success?

Reading for sure, having multiple conversations with different types of thinkers, and exercising. I try my best to fit all three in every day.

What do you enjoy most about being an entrepreneur?

Helping people! I’m fortunate to run businesses that really change lives, and it’s the most rewarding feeling! Also, the freedom, I never miss any important family events, and being an entrepreneur provides that type of flexibility.

What do you find most challenging about being an entrepreneur?

Rebuilding trust with people who have been treated wrong by other businesses. But this is also one of the best things about being an entrepreneur. I’ve met people who told me they had decided never to hire a coach or agent again, and now they’ll tell anyone who will listen how great we are and how much we’ve helped them.

What have been your most significant failures, and what did you learn from them?

Honestly, there hasn’t been anything that I would consider a failure. You’ll never fail if you never quit! As long as I’m in the race, I feel like I’m about to win! I will say that I’ve learned the most from listening to people.

What do you wish you could have done differently?

Smiled more and talked to more people early on. Nothing beats conversation and relationships in business. I challenge anyone reading this to talk to three new people daily for one year! That’s over 1000 potential relationships!

What makes an entrepreneur successful?

Deciding to help as many people as possible. When you approach life and business that way, you’re already a success! The power is in the people!

How do you plan for your business’s future?

I definitely try to stay innovative, but my overall approach doesn’t change. Today, tomorrow, and forever, my business plan will always be to help as many people as possible. I can’t say it enough, people, people, people.

What makes an effective leader?

Three things, the ability to focus, have unwavering belief and passion for what you’re doing, and elevate others.

What advice would you give to someone just starting a business?

Sprint towards your passions. There will never be the perfect time or day. Do it now! And believe in yourself even if no one else does. Muhammad Ali said, “I said I was the greatest even before I knew I was.” You should be your biggest fan.

What has been your biggest “a-ha” moment?

Realizing the power in conversations. A complete stranger can change your entire life from one conversation.

What do you consider non-negotiable in your business?

Helping people. I always go back to that. If it doesn’t help people, it’s bad business and will ultimately fail, in my opinion.

How do you manage feelings of doubt?

With logic and having strong people in my corner constantly telling me that I can achieve my goals. I believe we all need that. Your support system is like armor.

Ok, the last one, name one thing on your bucket list.

Skydive in Dubai over Palm Islands. I’m excited about that one!

Ramesses, thank you so much for the interview. I look forward to following your continued success.

Newsroom Editor