Last night, House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch and Democrats for the Illinois House maintained the Democratic supermajority in the Illinois State House and continued turning previously red districts blue.
This election cycle Democrats for the Illinois House ran 67 contested House races, the most in its history. Yet, last night’s results show that the battle has only strengthened House Democrats.
“We know that when we fight, we win — and tonight, that couldn’t be more true,” said Speaker of the Illinois House Emanuel “Chris” Welch. “House Democrats have fought tirelessly for working families and have secured important legislative wins to protect reproductive rights, rebuild our infrastructure, fund critical public safety initiatives, and so much more. With our supermajority stronger than ever, we’ll build on our incredible progress to keep our state moving forward and continue delivering for working families in communities across Illinois.”

Speaker with his team members just before the polls closed on election day. © Democrats for the Illinois House
“Our Democratic supermajority in the House has delivered real results for Illinoisans in communities across our state — from codifying reproductive rights to balancing the budget to investing in community safety. I’m thrilled that by maintaining this critical supermajority, we’ll continue to move Illinois forward,” said Lisa Hernandez, chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois. “This is a win for working families and communities in every corner of our state — and Democrats in the State House are just getting started.”