The Ritz Herald
© Oren B Segal

How Oren B Segal Is Making His Mark in the Modeling World

Published on June 29, 2021

The modeling industry has undergone a drastic evolution over the past few decades. In the past, it was a gatekept industry limited to fashion models strutting the runway and appearing in magazines. Now, with the advent of social media, the industry has expanded its horizons to include amateur talent that have made a name for themselves. There’s been a massive influx of new models making a style statement of their own, and Oren Segal is one of them. This young model is focused on creating his unique style instead of following the latest trends.

Oren Segal was born and brought up in New York City as a first-generation American. The diversity of the city and his parents’ Israeli background shaped his perspectives as a child while his parents stood as pillars of support in his life. From a very young age, Oren was a fashion enthusiast. He always made an effort to create the most unique outfits to express his style and flair. While all his friends followed whatever clothing was popular at the time, he loved to go against the flow to stick to his own style.

Oren is also passionate about fitness. Being thoroughly familiar with the fashion industry, Oren always knew fitness and modeling go hand-in-hand. To carry a look with grace and confidence, it’s important to take care of your body and ensure that you’re as healthy as possible. To date, he maintains a great physique as a catalyst to pursue his passion in the fashion and modeling industry.

Oren’s refined sense of style was not something people around him could overlook. While studying Cybersecurity at Baruch College, Oren found himself in front of the camera. He landed several opportunities to work as a freelance model, which allowed him to build his modeling portfolio and expertise. He also started working as a digital marketer for a brand close to his heart, which stoked the fire of his love for fashion.

This experience widened his exposure to the industry, which helped him to scale up his own brand. Just as Oren’s brand started gaining momentum, the COVID-19 pandemic rocked the world. It led to a global economic slowdown, causing a huge setback to the fashion and modeling industry. This was the time when Oren had to make an incredibly challenging decision: continue his fashion brand, or join the Navy for a more traditional life. While there benefits to both decisions, Oren has always followed his heart, and this led him to stay committed to his love for fashion.

Uniqueness has always been his motto. His go-to advice for any aspiring model would be “Don’t follow the crowd”. He believes that nothing positive can be learned by doing whatever everyone else is doing. It’s possible that others aren’t truly aware of what they’re doing or what they want, and are instead blindly following trends. Fashion, according to Oren, should be unique enough to distinguish you from the crowd.

Currently, Oren is working on escalating his brand to make it a household name in the fashion industry. He is also continuing his modeling career, inspiring many to trust their gut more than trends.

Lifestyle Editor