The Ritz Herald
© Matt Heller

How Matt Heller Helps Drivers Get Heard With Horn Blasters

Published on September 06, 2020

It’s basically a guarantee that if you are a driver, you have been harassed or bullied by another driver at one time or another, or have simply been cut up so badly you can’t believe the other guy (or gal) has a license. It happens to all of us.

Of course, unless you’re willing to risk a harassment arrest, all you can do is beep your horn or take it on the chin because nothing can be done. That doesn’t mean you don’t fume for the next half an hour, however. If only there was a way to make sure they actually thought about their bad driving…

That is exactly the thought process Matthew Heller, founder of Horn Blasters, Inc. went through. As the owner of a mini truck, he was constantly being cut up by bigger trucks on the road. So, he decided it was time to change that by creating the best and loudest vehicle air horns on the market.

In 2002, at the age of 20, the Floridian entrepreneur had had enough of being pushed around by drivers of large trucks and set out to create something that would get him noticed on the road. Heller had an interest in powerful train horns and realized that this was what could change driving, inventing a vehicle air horn that would sound exactly like a train was coming down the highway.

Matt started to build his idea from anything he could find, and after creating one for his own truck, he started making some for others. He began to sell his invention from the back of his pickup in his spare time and soon found that his air horns were so popular he needed to put all of his time and effort into them.

He quit his regular job and created Horn Blasters, Inc. With, Heller was able to continue to sell his creations while improving his products, learning how to run a profitable business, and discovering his market, and finding his customers which Matthew fondly refers to as Horn Blaster fans.

One big problem that Heller came across when building his company was that he found it very hard to trust that anyone was on his side, supporting him and his business, so he ended up trusting no one. Matthew soon found that this was actually holding him back from being able to expand his business as he couldn’t run his business entirely on his own. Thankfully, Heller overcame his trust issues and the HornBlasters crew is now strong with 10 men who are all likeminded and dedicated to the business.

Horn Blasters, Inc. is now a multi-million-dollar company and the leader of its industry, involved with their products from start to finish, including designing and building and even manufacturing their own components. They strive to provide the whole world with high quality, loud vehicle air horn kits, and the best customer service possible to ensure that their fans are always satisfied, even if years have passed since they made their purchase.

Heller continues to grow the business, recently moving to a new site in Tampa, 25 miles south of where they were originally located. Opened on June 1, this new warehouse facility provides Horn Blasters, Inc. with the full potential to grow not only their inventory but also their product line, services, and customer base. It also gives their customers the opportunity to order products with contactless pickup, which is especially important at this time in 2020.

Matthew and the crew at Horn Blasters, Inc. know that their products are not for everyone, but they always aim to spread the fun around the roads, giving people what they need to get noticed without the road rage. After all, their motto is ‘Don’t Blow Your Temper, Blow Your Horns!’. If you want to learn more about Horn Blasters, Inc. and to check out their products go to

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