The Ritz Herald
Johanna Buchweitz

How Johanna Buchweitz Is Helping Fellow Women in Business

Published on August 09, 2022

The entrepreneurial space is fiercely competitive, filled with many obstacles; it is hard to start and build a successful venture. It is even harder for women. Women face unique challenges in business. From lower capital funding provided, to balancing business and family, to biases and judgments along with numerous other roadblocks, it can be more challenging for women to reach the top and to do so in their desired timeframe, in the way they want.

As a woman in business, Johanna Buchweitz wanted to share her experience, knowledge, and desire to create systems and processes to make growing and scaling a business easier, with others. Johanna is a highly-respected business advisor, entrepreneur, and skilled investor who has been in the entrepreneurial space for over five years. She has worked with several Fortune 100 companies using her holistic approach to help organizations identify roadblocks and develop data-backed strategies to reach the metrics needed to raise millions in capital and hit 9-figure valuations.

Johanna has also started multiple successful ventures, including Frankly Co, an app that brings together women in business, providing them with exactly want they need to grow. She uses this app and her podcast, Limitless, to reach as many women as possible, helping them realize that they are truly limitless and can have it all.

Combining her experience in finance, advisory, and building, growing and successfully exiting her own tech company within the health and wellness sector, Johanna is determined to leverage technology to help driven female entrepreneurs feel more confident and competent in their business decisions. Her app, Frankly Co, is helping them get the answers they need throughout every stage of their business growth and make more informed decisions. Frankly Co. has custom-curated solutions for every stage of the business cycle and actionable answers to the most pressing business questions.

Johanna is also using her professional and personal journey to help women in business see that it is possible to reach their goals and have both time and money freedom. “You just have to keep showing up and not let the obstacles weigh you down, and if you can, see them as exciting learning opportunities. With the right tools, you can easily access the information you are looking for, as well as learn the information needed that you did not even know to look for, in the most efficient way possible, so you can spend more time taking informed action, with a high level of confidence that it is an action that will yield you positive results for your business, saving you time, money, and whole lot of stress.”

Johanna has encountered, as many do, several challenges over the years as an entrepreneur. Her personal challenges, however, are what really helped her move through them. Her dad was a stroke patient and had multiple strokes over 11 years. This was hard for Johanna as he was one of her role models in business and in life.

She found strength and inspiration in the work he did before his first stroke, and the character traits he exhibited even after having all these health challenges: strength, determination, unwavering self-belief and love, love for life regardless of circumstance, desire to help others, and doing all things with joy and love. Johanna had to learn the importance of resilience, determination, and belief in self, which have now greatly helped her build her empire.

Before Johanna’s dad had a stroke, “he was a badass.” He created revolutionary programs that were the first of their kind in his industry. He was so confident in his ability to dream and then deliver on that dream, and he wasn’t one to take no for an answer. Johanna borrowed this from her dad, and she is using it to help fellow women in business. She named Frankly Co. after her dad, Frank, who’s personality very much reflected his name. The word Frankly means to speak with open, honest and direct communication, which is what Johanna seeks to do with Frankly Co.

She is creating an online community of driven female entrepreneurs and using proprietary technology and her experience to help them become industry leaders and achieve success as they define it. Johanna says her goal is to support as many women as possible and help them realize that they are truly limitless.

Business Editor