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How Diet Affects Your Skin

Published on April 04, 2021

We all know that eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and steering clear of too much fat or sugar can help us achieve our weight loss goals and provide a boost to our overall health. But what do our dietary choices do for our skin?

As the largest organ on our bodies, it makes sense that what we eat and drink directly impacts our skin. Fortunately, improving our skin tone and quality may be as simple as just changing a few of our eating habits. Here’s how your diet could be affecting your skin, and steps you can take to help it look smoother, younger, and more radiant!

Acne Breakouts
If you’ve ever suffered from mild, moderate, or severe acne as a teen or young adult, you are probably aware of the old wives’ tale that chocolate causes breakouts. While this has largely been debunked as a myth, there may be something you are eating that is causing your acne to worsen: carbohydrates.

According to ClareBella Skincare, which specializes in lip injections OKC carb-heavy diet can promote chronic, mild inflammation throughout your body, which has been linked to a number of health issues, including acne. If you’re prone to breakouts and wish for a clear complexion, try cutting back on carbs. You may be amazed at the results!

Fine Lines and Wrinkles
While UV rays from the sun and tanning beds receive the bulk of the blame for skin damage (and deservedly so!), what you put into your body can also contribute to fine lines and wrinkles as your skin ages.

Eating antioxidant-rich foods can help fight free radicals, which directly impact the quality and tone of your skin. Scientists have found a clear connection between the amount of antioxidants in a person’s diet and the quality and texture of their skin. People with low antioxidant levels in the skin tend to have a rougher skin texture, while those with high levels of antioxidants have a smoother texture to their skin.

What You Can Do
The best part about all this? You can start changing your skin’s appearance for the better today, simply by making a few tweaks to your diet. Try these skin-enhancing foods:

  • Good carbs” – Skip the refined white sugar and flour and replace them with beans, whole grains, and produce. (Pro Tip: The colorful the fruit or vegetable, the higher in antioxidants it is!)
  • Nuts and seeds – Get some healthy omega-3 fats into your diet with tree nuts such as almonds and walnuts, as well as flax and chia seeds. This will help provide a boost to your skin’s texture, leaving you with a naturally radiant glow!
  • Fish – An excellent source of protein, which your body uses to produce skin-plumping and firming collagen and elastin. Fish also are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote skin health by reducing inflammation.

By following these healthy eating tips, along with keeping hydrated and staying away from too much sugar and alcohol, you can look forward to youthful, radiant skin that makes you feel your best each time you look in the mirror!

Lifestyle Editor