For most individuals, the daily routine is pretty boring. It can feel like just something that one needs to do to stay on top of life, but what if that wasn’t the case? What if, instead of living a boring rotation, one could see beauty and art in the environment? A new lens to view the world that’ll make the subject realize that life can be just as magical as seen in the movies.
There’s one artist that’s capturing just that in her collection called “Scratch Drawings.”
Behind Scratch Drawings
Based in Washington, DC., Caitlin Teal Price is an artist that first gained attention for a unique collection of images of strangers sunbathing on the beaches of Coney Island and Brighton in New York City. Throughout Caitlin’s work, the audience sees an emphasis on looking at what’s ordinary slightly differently. Caitlin’s collection, Stranger Lives, looked at its subject as more of a specimen that could be examined and explored through the photographs rather than just regular ol’ people.

The same can be said about Price’s new work, Scratch Drawings, where she uses photographs of sunlight through the windows and uses an x-acto blade to carve out intricate patterns on them. Lighting, especially, plays a key role in these images. They are not just photographs of sunlight seeping through a window but abstract art that carries the viewer through a wave of emotions with the multiple layers of lighting, photography, and x-acto etchings.
Caitlin Teal Price
Throughout Caitlin’s career, and even before that, the viewer sees that Price has always been a part of reputable institutions and projects. Caitlin graduated with a BFA from Parsons School of Design and also holds an MFA in Photography from the Yale School of Art. Caitlin’s work has been presented at several galleries and museums, including the Robert V. Fullerton Museum of Art in San Bernardino, CA, and the American University Museum in Washington, DC. When it comes to national reach, and when one talks about international exposure, Price has been to countries like Sweden as well. Of course, she’s also been featured on a number of top-tier platforms such as The New Yorker, Time Magazine, and The New York Times.
And on top of all of this, Price also founded STABLE, an art studio and exhibition space in Washington, DC area.
So, What’s in It for The Audience?
Well, this is just one example of an artist who’s using what a regular person might see as boring and mundane and turning it into a masterpiece. How often does one take the time out to just look at the sunlight seeping through the window or the strangers seen on the street and explore what others’ lives may be like? For most people, that doesn’t happen very often.
But artists like Caitlin Teal Price have unlocked a key that could change one’s life. When the subject starts looking at life as an art piece, instead of something that just needs to be lived through, not only does one find who they are but also have more fun and create a life that’ll be more satisfying in the long run.
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