The Ritz Herald
David Braunstingl

How an Austrian Company Called ‘Werbeagentur Braunstingl’ is Running the European Market for Digital Recruitment

Published on May 11, 2023

David Braunstingl, the founder of Werbeagentur Braunstingl, is now sharing his essential steps for being successful in digital employee recruitment:

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Facebook have become an integral part of our lives. It is no wonder that businesses have been using Facebook for marketing their products and services. However, Facebook Ads can also be used for finding new employees. With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook is an excellent platform to reach out to potential candidates. In this article, we will discuss the seven most important points to find employees via Facebook Ads.

Define your target audience before creating Facebook Ads. You need to identify the kind of candidate you are looking for based on job requirements, qualifications, and experience. Facebook’s ad targeting options can help you target candidates based on their interests, education, job title, location, and more. This way, you can ensure that your ad reaches the right audience.

Use engaging visuals. They attract more attention and create a lasting impression. To attract potential candidates, use engaging visuals that showcase your company culture, work environment, and job opportunities. Use high-quality images and videos that align with your brand and the job description. Make sure the visuals are attention-grabbing and leave a lasting impression.

Write a compelling ad copy. The ad copy should be compelling and speak directly to your target audience. It should be clear, concise, and highlight the job’s benefits. Be sure to mention what sets your company apart from others and why a candidate should choose to work for you. Keep the tone of the copy professional yet friendly, and avoid using jargon or technical terms.

Set a budget and schedule your ads. Facebook Ads work on a bidding system, where you bid against other advertisers to show your ad to your target audience. You can set a daily or lifetime budget for your ad campaign and choose the duration of your ad. It’s essential to keep in mind that a higher budget doesn’t necessarily guarantee better results. Instead, focus on creating high-quality ads that resonate with your target audience.

Use Facebook Pixel and retargeting.  Facebook Pixel is a tracking code that you can add to your website to track visitors and their behavior. You can use this data to retarget them with relevant ads on Facebook. By using retargeting, you can show your ads to people who have already shown interest in your company or job opportunities. This way, you can improve your ad’s effectiveness and increase your chances of finding the right candidate.

Monitor your ad performance. Monitoring your ad’s performance is crucial to know if your ad is working or not. Facebook’s Ads Manager provides valuable insights into how your ad is performing, such as reach, engagement, and clicks. Use these metrics to optimize your ad campaign and make necessary changes to improve its performance. It’s essential to keep testing and tweaking your ads to get the best results.

Follow up with interested candidates. When you start receiving responses from potential candidates, be sure to follow up with them promptly. Engage with them and answer any questions they may have about the job or your company. This way, you can create a positive impression and increase your chances of finding the right candidate.

In conclusion, Facebook Ads are an effective way to find new employees. By following the seven important points mentioned above, companies can create compelling ads that attract the right candidates.

Newsdesk Editor