How a Common Skin Care Problem Helped Kayleigh Christina Find Her Purpose

Published on November 14, 2021

Most people will experience a breakout in their lifetime, but a minor breakout turns into a significant problem for some people. Clogged pores, hormonal issues, stress, and a poor diet are a few contributing factors that can cause blemishes to appear. For some people, these breakouts are mild, easy to conceal, and go away within a few weeks, but that isn’t always the case. On the other hand, some acne sufferers experience painful cystic blemishes and excessive irritation that can last for months and even years.

Kayleigh Christina was one of the millions of people struggling with acne. It didn’t appear when she was a teenager but instead started to show up on her skin when she was in her mid-twenties and least expected to have a problem that most would associate with puberty. “I started to experience severe cystic acne during my mid-twenties that led to a lot of frustration. I tried everything I could think of to handle the problem, but nothing seemed to work. I visited numerous specialists and dermatologists without much success, which is when I decided to visit the San Diego Acne Clinic as a last resort,” shared Christina. “It changed my life for the better. I learned more about nutrition and wellness, the science behind skincare, and what good products and a healthy lifestyle can do for the skin. Using the newfound knowledge to my advantage, I was persistent in developing a non-toxic skincare line that worked.”

Having experienced the frustration of acne herself, Christina developed the CLEARSTEM skincare line consisting of incredible products that fight bacteria, hydrate the skin, and calm irritation, leaving consumers with clear, smooth, and healthy skin they’ve always wanted to have. “Knowing what you’re putting on your skin is important. Unfortunately, many products on the market contain harsh chemicals and ingredients that easily lead to more irritation. What we’ve developed is a skincare line containing non-toxic, healthy ingredients that are better for the skin,” said Christina. “Not only do the products in this system fight acne and the bacteria that causes it, but they also work well to handle common skin concerns, such as aging. When you’re in your mid-twenties or older and you have acne, you want to start using anti-aging skincare products, but you still need those products to contain ingredients that will help you fight acne, too. It’s all about using the best combination of ingredients.”

While some people may consider acne a cosmetic concern, those who suffer from it know the severity of the issue. When not properly treated, acne often gets much worse and leads to hyperpigmentation and deep skin scarring. The CLEARSTEM line contains products that treat the problem at the source, improve skin’s texture, and prevent scarring while promoting healing. For Kayleigh Christina, the goal is to help others feel good about themselves while overcoming such an irritating skin condition. In addition, she hopes to spread awareness of her skincare line while voicing the importance of wellness as a co-host on the Balancing Your Hustle podcast.

Lifestyle Editor