The Ritz Herald
© Hassan Hamza

Hassan Hamza, Engineer and Inventor of Vacless Safety Products Warns Parents on Dangers of Residential Swimming Pools and Spas

With COVID-19 closing all commercial pools and spas all over the world, our eyes turn to residential and the lack of safety surrounding

Published on April 27, 2020

Los Angeles – Now that public swimming pools and spas are closed indefinitely, where are families going to cool down this summer? The neighbor’s pool, grandparents’ house, or summer vacation rental might have parents flocking with their children for a splash.

What many don’t know are the dangers that lie behind what looks like a picturesque summer day. “What scares me is a lot of people don’t know that the public swimming pools, whether it be in hotels, or all public pools around the country are safe because they are required by law to have an SVRS unit on them. Now that those are closed, we need to educate residential owners that they need to have the same to protect themselves or their kids!” warns Andrew S., who has been a pool guy in the San Fernando Valley for 11 years.

So what is an SVRS? An SVRS is a safety vacuum release system that is placed on a pump to release any entrapment once suction occurs. Back in 2007, a law passed by President George W. Bush called the Virginia Graham Baker Act went into effect on December 19th of 2008, mandating all public swimming pools and spas in the nation to be equipped with anti-entrapment suction devices.

Vacless Systems a company out of California has become the industry leader in SVRS devices. Boasting not one but 12 different models of SVRS that offer even the least handy person an easy installation. Hassan Hamza, engineer, and founder tells us how he left his comfortable job working in the corporate world to invent a product that has saved many lives all over the world.

Hassan Hamza says: “One morning while reading the newspaper and watching my two youngest children playing in the jacuzzi; I came across an article about Virginia Graham Baker. My heart stopped. I looked at my children and thought, that could be one of them. I couldn’t sit with myself knowing I could do something. When I decided to become an engineer, I knew my purpose was to fix problems or at least try my best.” Hassan Hamza, P.E senior project engineer, prior to Vacless worked for elite companies to create safer solutions in many different industries such as Boeing, amongst many others.

“Now with COVID-19 hitting commercial pools and spa’s all around the world, we need to also be diligent on residential pool safety.” fears Hassan Hamza. “Ultimately, pool safety is the property owners responsibility; we just need to do our part to educate them.”

To purchase or inquire about Vacless SVRS, visit

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