HashFair Review: The World’s First Web3 Casino

Published on August 02, 2023

HashFair is the ultimate transparent blockchain casino, offering an exhilarating foray into the world of online gambling. With its groundbreaking approach built on smart contracts and powered by the blockchain, HashFair stands out in the gambling industry, which generates substantial revenues.

At HashFair, transparency reigns supreme, ensuring that every transaction and game result is meticulously recorded on an immutable public ledger. This real-time transparency guarantees fair games and transparent casino operations, eliminating any doubts or concerns about manipulation. Rest assured, HashFair has your back!

Security is of paramount importance at HashFair, as it leverages the robust cryptographic protocols of blockchain technology. Your funds are securely stored in protected wallets using private keys, and all transactions are encrypted and verified by the network, granting you complete peace of mind.

Anonymity is another remarkable advantage of blockchain-based casinos. At HashFair, you can indulge in the gaming experience without disclosing personal information, relishing the freedom to enjoy your gameplay discreetly.

One of the most remarkable aspects of HashFair is its decentralized nature, allowing players from around the globe to access the platform with just an internet connection. Say farewell to geographical constraints and embrace an inclusive gaming community that knows no bounds.

Generate Passive Income with HashFair

Unlock the perks of HashFair without being a high-roller. Earn passive income by providing liquidity to the casino in the form of native HFG tokens. Sit back and let the casino work for you as you enjoy the rewards.

But hold on tight, there’s more to explore! HashFair has an exclusive surprise for its community – Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These unique digital assets and rewards come in limited supply and entitle you to a share of the platform’s profits. With a sense of ownership and attractive incentives for active participation, take your gaming experience to the next level.

Discover the world of Exclusive NFTs with seven different types to choose from, each offering unique features and power multipliers. Your NFT will continue to generate passive income, but be swift – its performance decreases with each claim or unstake attempt. Strategize your moves for maximum gains!

HashFair Review: The World’s First Web3 Casino

The Power Multiplier enhances your Share Power, granting you a larger portion of the global HFG distribution.

Each type of NFT comes with a limited maximum supply, and as the NFT’s level increases, the maximum supply decreases.

Unique Profit Claim Logic

Your NFT will have an indefinite lifespan, but you can only claim daily rewards for a maximum of 24 times before it stops generating passive income.

Each time you make a claim or unstake, your NFT’s performance will decrease by a specific percentage.

For instance:

Your first claim/unstake will have no impact on your NFT’s performance.

The second claim will result in a 2% reduction in daily output.

By the 24th and final claim, your NFT’s performance will drop by 95%.

HashFair Review: The World’s First Web3 Casino

HashFair Profit Sharing Model

The Profit Sharing Model at HashFair operates as follows:

Within the decentralized smart contract, 1 billion tokens are locked. When this smart contract generates profits from Hashfair Web 3.0 games, it automatically transfers the HFG coins equivalent to the profit amount to the Supervisory NFT pool. From this pool, 1% of the current pool amount is distributed to all the staked NFTs, based on their NFT power proportion.

Of the total HFG coins generated, 80% goes to the NFT pool, while the remaining 20% goes through an automatic process of permanent burn as per the contract’s rules. This burning mechanism is verifiable on the blockchain, which provides a positive price action for HFG coin holders.

For instance, if there is a total distribution of 100,000 coins today, and the total supervisory power (S.P) is 1,000,000, then 0.1 token will be distributed per 1 S.P. If you hold 100 S.P, you will receive 10 coins per day as your share of the distribution.

Casino Game Credits HUSD

At HashFair Casino, game credits are known as HUSD.

Receive a fantastic deal where 50% of your NFT price will be refunded to you in HUSD within a 30-day period, allowing you to use it for playing casino games.

HashFair Review: The World’s First Web3 Casino

For instance, if you purchase a 100 USDT NFT, you will receive 50 HUSD, distributed at a rate of 1.66 HUSD daily over 30 days. Please note that HUSD can only be utilized within the casino for gameplay.

Affiliate Program

HashFair offers an incredibly rewarding affiliate program that generously pays commissions based on the volume of business generated. As an affiliate partner, you’ll receive 50% of all NFT purchases.

The commissions are distributed as follows: 25% will be instantly paid out in USDT, while the remaining 25% will be distributed in HFUSD (HashFair Play Tokens) over the course of 30 days.

For example, if a Spinwin NFT purchase worth 1000 USDT occurs, you’ll receive a 250 USDT instant commission and an additional 250 HFUSD that will be distributed gradually over the span of 30 days.

The 25% USDT commissions are distributed through a Unilevel referral plan, where your commission percentage is determined by your level. You can qualify for various levels, ranging from G1 to G8.

HashFair Review: The World’s First Web3 Casino

For instance, suppose you aim to reach level G3, entitling you to a 50% affiliate commission. To achieve this, you must own a 500 USDT NFT and generate a business volume of 5000 USDT.

To earn commissions from your network partners, there must be a distinction in levels. As an illustration, let’s say you are at level G3 with a 50% commission, and your partner is at level G1 with a 20% commission. This difference allows you to earn an additional 30% from your partner’s business volume.

Out of all the USDT commissions, 90% will be paid out through the Unilevel referral plan, while the remaining 10% will be allocated to the G8 level pool. This 10% will then be divided among all members who have achieved level G8.

How to Become a Member of HashFair

HashFair operates on decentralized smart contracts within the Polygon Blockchain. To join this innovative platform, you’ll need a decentralized web3 wallet on the Polygon chain. We recommend using popular wallets like MetaMask or TokenPocket.

TokenPocket already has the Polygon chain pre-installed for your convenience. If you’re using MetaMask, you’ll have to manually add the Polygon chain. A detailed guide on how to do this can be found here: [link to the instruction].

NFTs on HashFair are paid with USDT (Polygon). To cover the blockchain fee, you’ll require some Polygon/MATIC.

To begin the registration process:

STEP 1: Enter your referral link into the browser of your decentralized wallet: https://plan.hashfair.network/register?sponser_code=e770eb Then, proceed to register by approving the contract.

STEP 2: In the menu, find the “Activate Package” section. Choose your desired NFT and make the purchase.

STEP 3: Access “My NFT” from the menu and click on “Stake” for your NFT. Approve your wallet on the following page to successfully stake your NFT.

For any assistance with the sign-up process, feel free to join the Telegram group: https://t.me/hashfairglobal

Newsdesk Editor