The Ritz Herald
Guadalupe Lobeto, the visionary Co-Founder of the Research & Digitization Project Historias Entre Lienzos

Guadalupe Lobeto: Five Essential Qualities for Thriving in Arts and Culture

Published on February 14, 2025

Certain qualities are necessary to thrive in a field. The vibrancy of the arts and culture sector necessitates the qualities needed to be a successful artist. Moreover, having a supportive community where good qualities are fostered is essential. A loving community is vital for artists to cultivate good qualities to achieve goals. It shows how collaboration helps one and all succeed. he arts field is a diverse field.  pecific attributes of arts and culture professionals make them stand out.

New York Art Life had the chance to interview the amazing arts and culture expert Guadalupe Lobeto.  he is a passionate advocate for women in the arts and a cultural connector.  n the inspiring interview, she outlined five qualities anyone in arts and culture need to thrive in the field.  adalupe Lobeto mentioned how she embodies these said qualities. O stacles may come in the way of a professional path. S ill, these qualities will help you be your most authentic self in the creative field. L t us find out which qualities someone aspires to be in the arts and culture sector needs to possess to thrive in the creative field.

  1. Adaptability

In every field, circumstances change. S metimes, you need to create a whole artwork; sometimes, you just need to relax. T  be successful in the creative field, you should know when to pivot and adjust. A aptability is a skill. Y u should know when it’s time to stop pursuing something or when to keep working hard for it; Guadalupe Lobeto recalls a moment during an exhibition at Praxis Gallery when the lead artist had to cancel at the last minute. S e faced an unforeseen challenge. S e felt panicked. H wever, she didn’t let the panic take over. S e quickly organized a group show to fill the gap. “  was so panicked because everything was already set. H wever, I quickly coordinated with new amazing artists and adapted to the change. T e result was an even better show than what we had originally planned” Guadalupe Lobeto mentions.

Flexibility is truly the key to every situation. N ver overreact. T ere is always a solution to every concern, as Guadalupe Lobeto went through. M re significantly, it is always better to have a Plan B when Plan A doesn’t push through. I  the arts scene, actively seek changes because that’s how you grow. E brace the change and know how to adjust. N ver ever resist change. Y u’ll see how things are in the world when you know they’re not this one constant thing.

  1. Empathy

People are always going through something that we don’t know about. M aningful connections in the creative field should be approached with empathy. I  you’re empathetic, you know how to build a support system within you. I ’s essential to be attuned to emotional states. Y u can emanate empathy only when you’re empathetic towards yourself.    Praxis, Guadalupe Lobeto works closely with the Gallery artists not only when they are planning a show or participating at an art fair, but throughout the year giving them confidence or helping them in whatever may be causing anxiety, from an artistic block to an application for a residency.

As an arts and culture advocate, you know how inclusive spaces are essential. B  the one who actively listens to concerns. Y u know you’ll grow when you live in an atmosphere that encourages growth. B  so empathetic that you nurture yourself as well as others around you. W ere you work should be an empathetic ecosystem. B  the kind of person you want to meet and be friends with.

  1. Creativity

Creativity is the lifeblood of the arts. N thing beats a creative person. Y u know how to innovate a boring situation. G adalupe Lobeto co-founded the digital archive Historias Entre Lienzos after realizing that no online information existed about Argentine women artists from the 19th and early 20th century. T e project’s objectives were not simply to populate the web with information but rather informing the public of the amazing women artists whose works were in many of the country’s museums. T at way, a creative digital initiative led to increased visits in physical museums.   Be so creative you artistically overcome obstacles that may come your way. Y ur artistic skills will get you opportunities. U e repurposed materials in your daily life. T y to use unconventional solutions. H wever, make sure your creativity is always ethical.

  1. Collaboration

The arts and culture sector thrives because of collaboration. T e guy who delivered your coffee? T y chatting with him, and he might drop words of wisdom. G adalupe Lobeto firmly believes that inclusivity and teamwork lead to more prosperous outcomes. “  make sure everyone is included when I work on a project,” Guadalupe states. “ he collaboration of ideas makes everything better,” she adds. T e arts community is filled with all kinds of people. M seum staff, curators, artists, and the audience. Y u all can help each other in some way.

Don’t ever reject help. T y offering help to people as well. Y u’ll see how the world works so quickly through supporting each other. M reover, remember that an exhibition wouldn’t be successful without the project manager, coordinator, delivery guys, you name it. B ild a culture of cooperation in every way you possibly can.

  1. Resilience

If it’s your dream, giving up should never be an option. T ey said they didn’t like your art.    what? Y u want your art. B  firm in what you believe in. S metimes, people make comments that can be considered as background noise. B  so resilient you can’t mind them. R jection, financial limitations, personal matters? Y u will be able to pass through them all.

That’s Guadalupe Lobeto’s favorite part of Historias Entre Lienzos, discovering the life and work of women who never gave up and managed to produce artworks even under the most distressful of circumstances.   ere’s always hope for you. Y u are never a lost case, especially if you do what you love. F ce everything headstrong because there will be highs and lows.

You need these five essential qualities to thrive in the arts and culture sector. G adalupe Lobeto mentioned how these qualities are within her. A  a cultural connector and women artists advocate, Guadalupe mentions how these qualities help her thrive. I  creating a digital platform to share Argentinian women artists, this is her recipe to success. L t this guide you on how you should  navigate your art journey. E bodying these qualities means embodying success. C ltivate these qualities within you to cultivate a successful career in the arts and culture sector.

Guadalupe Lobeto, the visionary Co-Founder of the Research & Digitization Project Historias  Entre Lienzos in Buenos Aires, has become a driving force in uncovering and celebrating the often-overlooked legacy of Argentine women artists. W th unwavering determination, Lobeto has successfully secured major grants from the City Government of Buenos Aires and garnered private sponsorships from industry giants like Naturgy, breathing life into this crucial initiative.

Her diplomatic prowess shines through in orchestrating collaboration agreements with the Ministry of Culture and an impressive network of over 30 public and private museums across Argentina.   ese partnerships have opened doors to a treasure trove of artistic heritage, allowing Lobeto and her team to delve deep into the lives and works of Argentine women artists from the 19th century onwards.

The impact of Historias Entre Lienzos has transcended national borders, with Guadalupe Lobeto proudly presenting the project at prestigious institutions like Columbia University in New York (2020) and Tate Modern in London (2022). T ese international platforms have amplified the voices of Argentine women artists on a global stage.

The fruits of their labor are nothing short of remarkable – an online database housing over 500 artists, a digital testament to the rich tapestry of women’s contributions to Argentine art. T is resource not only preserves history but also inspires future generations of artists and art enthusiasts.

Guadalupe Lobeto’s passion for sharing these stories extends beyond the digital realm. S e has designed and implemented engaging social media campaigns, crafted informative newsletters, and developed comprehensive press kits. H r active communication with journalists has significantly enhanced the project’s visibility, ensuring these long-forgotten narratives reach a wider audience.

Community engagement lies at the heart of Guadalupe Lobeto’s mission. S e has organized and facilitated a myriad of initiatives, including workshops and talks that bring together artists, museum leaders, youth, libraries, and government officials. T ese events foster a vibrant dialogue around the project’s mission, creating a ripple effect of awareness and appreciation for women’s art in Argentina.

Culture Editor