The Ritz Herald
Collaboration to Honor Freedom: John Krotec, CEO, GreenZone Hero - Drew Horvath, Major, US Army (Retired) - John Barringer, ACN Independent Business Owner

GreenZone Hero Announces Business Member Affiliation to Honor Freedom and Provide Transitioning Veterans Business Ownership Opportunities

GreenZone Hero and ACN, Independent Business Owner John Barringer Support the Value of Honoring Freedom in Business

Published on November 14, 2019

Global Commerce is growing exponentially as technology eliminates borders and today’s consumers can open businesses online and purchase products on the other side of the globe. GreenZone Hero has a new business member whose mission is to honor freedom and provide veterans, transitioning veterans, and family members the opportunity to own their own business. John Barringer is the first ACN independent business owner worldwide to join GreenZone Hero.

“We strive to work with companies and organizations that combine modern business with core values. Both, GreenZone Hero and ACN independent business owner, John Barringer and his team partners believe in honoring freedom – from a patriotic view and a flexible business view. These two innovative companies are leading the way to implement programs and initiatives that provide an opportunity to utilize strategic skillsets while building a business. Transitioning veterans have strong skillsets that can be utilized to build a successful company when given the opportunity,” states John Krotec, Founder of GreenZone Hero.

The eCommerce market is estimated to reach $4.5 Trillion by 2021. ACN focuses on essential services that people already use and pay for. Business is changing and the internet, energy, business transactions, and even identity theft are essential services that consumers can choose where and how they do business – freedom.

John Barringer, ACN independent business owner understands the value of freedom. Barringer said, “I’m grateful for the men and women who protect our country and provide us with the opportunity to even have a business. My goal is to provide them with a business opportunity after they have served our great country. With impeccable strategic training skillsets, we’ve found people value building a global business from their mobile phone to provide true-life freedom.” ACN began as a reseller of long-distance services in the U.S in 1993, and within their first five years in business, ACN ranked 22nd in Inc. magazine’s list of fastest-growing companies in North America.

The GreenZone Hero mission is to help improve business and connect consumers to businesses by providing digital tools that help businesses honor freedom as a social cause. GreenZone Hero is a growing global network of companies that understand the value of military service that fights for our freedoms. GreenZone Hero started in 2016 and has grown 365 percent and added significant business leaders supportive of veterans such as Harley-Davidson and Boars Head Brand. “Building a successful business still requires hard work, time and honor. And a big part of that honor is living in a place where the mere thought of starting a business is a possibility and a privilege because of the foundation our country was built upon,” said Krotec.

SOURCE GreenZone Hero
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