Good-Luck Charms: What Attract Fortune in Different Countries

Published on June 26, 2023

Consider the 10 most popular lucky charms, which are actively used by gamblers and ordinary people in everyday life, at work, and in school. They believe that these symbols can bring good luck or scare the enemy of fortune from themselves and their homes. And you want to know about the most popular talismans that will help you in gambling? Then go to and get a lot of useful and interesting information. And we will continue.

  • Acorns. This famous symbol from Great Britain originally had a different meaning. Acorns were actively used by local druids, and these were considered a form of national identification. Then the acorn began to symbolize spirituality, youth, and prosperity. Many British players of poker and other games of chance, as they admit, have an acorn in their pocket while playing;
  • Fish scales. In Poland, the scales of large carp are often used as an effective good luck symbol. This freshwater fish used to be a traditional Christmas dish. The scales were collected, dried, and kept in the purse. The Poles still believe that the scales attract luck and a lot of money. The same tradition has survived in Slovakia;
  • Cornicello. This symbol has two versions of meaning. The first is a symbol of the horn of plenty. The other version is that it is a symbol of chili peppers. For centuries, Italians have used it as a charm to protect against the evil eye and get lucky. Especially, cornicello became popular among gamblers;
  • Dala Horses. This mascot appeared in Sweden. In Swedish culture, horses are considered sacred animals. And this object, a small horse, symbolizes power, strength and dignity. In addition, tiny horses have become an unofficial symbol of the country;
  • Elephants. Mascots in the form of wooden and plastic elephants are most frequently found in India and also Thailand. Elephants symbolize great strength, power, and stability. Therefore, objects like trinkets and figurines are frequently found in people’s homes and pockets;
  • Clover. It is sincerely believed that a unique four-leaf clover can really bring luck in Ireland and many other countries. The uniqueness of the leaf is that it is almost impossible to find. That’s why it’s already considered great luck. Thus, Ireland began using clover leaves made of wood, plastic, metal, and other materials. Every true Irishman is sure that in his pocket must have this leaflet;
  • Hamsa. It is a symbol in the form of a hand. Another popular name is the Hand of Fatima. It is a talisman for the protection of Jews and Muslims, which protects and brings good luck. The hand as a symbol can be directed upwards or downwards. People from different countries put different meanings into this image. But all are confident in the ability of Hamsa to attract good luck and good fortune;
  • Horseshoe. The horseshoe can be found in Europe, America, Asia, and Australia. Most often, the horseshoe is hung above the house’s front door. A horseshoe with the ends facing downward creates a flow of good luck through which a person passes when he enters the house. A horseshoe with the ends facing upward can collect and attract good luck;
  • Buddha. A tiny Buddha smiling or laughing is also a famous and influential charm. And not only for good luck. Such an amulet is worn around the neck or just in the pocket by representatives of different peoples and cultures;
  • Scarab. And this symbol of good luck came to us from Ancient Egypt. An amulet with the image of a beetle can bring good luck. He also means eternal life and the ability of man to rebirth. Famous poker players, as well as ordinary fans of gambling, typically use the scarab so that fortune is on their side.

And this is not all the mascots that exist in different countries. And to believe in them or not, it is a personal choice of everyone.

Newsdesk Editor