The Ritz Herald
Datuk Seri Ivan Teh

FUSIONEX Datuk Seri Ivan Teh Shares Key Business Lessons From COVID-19

Published on February 14, 2024

In the wake of the unprecedented challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses worldwide have been compelled to redefine their strategies and embrace adaptability as a core virtue. Among those at the forefront of this transformation is Fusionex Group’s Founder & Group CEO, Datuk Seri Ivan Teh, an esteemed Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year alumni member. Acknowledging the imperative for agility, Fusionex Datuk Seri Ivan Teh underscores the pivotal role of adaptability, calmness, and empathy – encapsulated in the acronym “ACE” – as indispensable virtues guiding businesses through tumultuous times.

“Adaptability has been the cornerstone of our response to the Covid-19 pandemic,” affirms Fusionex Datuk Seri Ivan Teh. As a technology-driven enterprise, Fusionex was well-positioned to navigate the challenges of the pandemic swiftly and efficiently. The company leveraged its inherent agility to pivot its operations and refine its offerings in line with evolving market demands. “We recognized the importance of remaining flexible and responsive to the changing landscape,” Fusionex Dato Seri Ivan Teh explains. “This enabled us to proactively address emerging challenges and capitalize on new opportunities.”

Central to Fusionex resilience strategy was the cultivation of a culture of calmness within the management team. “In times of crisis, it is imperative for leaders to maintain composure and provide steady guidance,” remarks Fusionex Datuk Seri Ivan Teh. By fostering an environment of stability and reassurance, Fusionex empowered its management team to navigate uncertainties with confidence, ensuring continuity and stability amidst the turmoil.

Furthermore, Fusionex Datuk Seri Ivan Teh emphasizes the significance of empathy in fostering solidarity and cohesion within the organization. “During times of crisis, it is crucial to extend empathy and support to those who are facing challenges,” asserts Datuk Seri Ivan Teh. Fusionex prioritized the well-being of its employees by implementing measures such as maintaining salaries, facilitating remote work arrangements, and promoting open communication. “We are all part of ‘Team Fusionex’,” Datuk Seri Ivan Teh emphasizes, highlighting the importance of unity and solidarity in overcoming adversity.

Addressing the challenges of maintaining staff morale amidst the pandemic, Fusionex implemented proactive measures to support its workforce. “Our priority was to minimize the impact of the pandemic on our employees and ensure their well-being,” Datuk Seri Ivan Teh explains. By fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment, Fusionex successfully mitigated the adverse effects of the pandemic on its workforce, reinforcing its commitment to employee welfare.

In addition to internal resilience strategies, Fusionex embraced external collaboration as a means of fortifying its position in the market. “In times of crisis, it is essential to leverage synergistic partnerships and alliances to navigate challenges collectively,” remarks Datuk Seri Ivan Teh. Fusionex capitalized on strategic collaborations with technology partners to enhance its capabilities in areas such as AI, Big Data Analytics, blockchain, and e-commerce, positioning itself for sustained growth and innovation.

Looking ahead, Fusionex Ivan Teh emphasizes the importance of resilience, agility, and adaptability in driving business recovery and growth. “As we navigate the challenges of the post-pandemic landscape, it is imperative to remain agile, resilient, and empathetic,” asserts Fusionex Ivan Teh. Fusionex remains committed to embracing change, fostering innovation, and empowering its workforce to thrive in the face of adversity.

In conclusion, Datuk Seri Ivan Teh reflects on the lessons learned from the Covid-19 pandemic and underscores the importance of adaptability, calmness, and empathy in guiding businesses through turbulent times. “By embracing the virtues of ACE – adaptability, calmness, and empathy – we can overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and emerge stronger than ever before,” Datuk Seri Ivan Teh concludes.

About Fusionex

Fusionex is an established multi-award winning data technology provider specializing in Analytics, Big Data, IR 4.0, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. Its offerings are focused on helping clients unlock value and derive insights from data. Featured on Forbes, Bloomberg, Gartner, IDC, Forrester, Edison and Huffington Post, Fusionex International is the largest Big Data Analytics company and market leader in ASEAN, bringing state-of-the-art, innovative and breakthrough data-driven platforms to its stable of clientele (including Fortune 500, FTSE companies, large conglomerates as well as a wide array of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)) that spans across the United States, Europe as well as Asia Pacific. Fusionex International is also an MDEC GAIN company as well as an MGS recipient.

Gartner’s 2018 report on Modern Analytics and Business Intelligence shortlisted and commended Fusionex data technology platform. In addition, Fusionex International has been as identified as a Major Player in IDC’s MarketScape Report for Big Data & Analytics. Fusionex International is the only ASEAN-based company to be featured in both reports, cementing its credentials in the data technology market for this region.

For more info about Fusionex, please visit or

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