The Ritz Herald
© Exito Beauty Clinic

Exito Beauty Clinic on the Newest Approaches in Aesthetic Medicine

Published on April 22, 2021

Owner and CEO of Exito Beauty Clinic, Dr. K. Gasser-Celik, will tell us about the peculiarities of communication with clients in aesthetic treatment and share interesting approaches they use.

Cosmetology is a very delicate field in which you must constantly develop and learn new things and know how to properly build communication with clients so that everyone is satisfied at the end of cooperation: both the doctor and the client.

Dr. K. Gasser-Celik

What is the most important thing for a professional in aesthetic medicine?

First and foremost, to constantly learn, learn new techniques and improve existing ones. It is also very important to communicate sensitively with clients because those who turn to cosmetic medicine for the first time often have doubts. The doctor’s task is to tell the client as much as possible about all the nuances, answer even the most obvious questions and be attentive to his comments.

What are the most common procedures at the moment?

Now there is a growing trend for natural beauty. Nevertheless, girls do not go to cosmetology less frequently, but their needs have changed. Now clients most often ask for better skin and brighter facial features. Any beauty clinic needs to be professional in procedures such as “pouty lips,” “Russian lips,” “baby-face,” thread techniques, “fox-eyes,” filler lifting, Botox, and others. It is important to consult with the client before each of these procedures to ensure that this is what he wants and understands what kind of result is waiting for him.

Exito Beauty Clinic uses exclusive techniques in Threadlifting, Botulinumtoxin treatments & Hyaluronic treatments, so these are the most frequent requests there.

Dr. K. Gasser-Celik says: “We follow with interest the latest trends in the cosmetology market, we carefully study new trends in the world of cosmetology, we adopt the experience, and we always keep up with the times and even try to be ahead of them. We take full responsibility for the results obtained, using only high-quality certified products tested in practice for years. When a person comes to us healthy, he or she must also leave us beautiful and happy. The ‘do no harm principle is a sacred, sacred axiom for us.”

When is it necessary to visit a cosmetologist?

Cosmetology has come a thorny way, from skincare at home to all kinds of injectable and thread techniques, lifts, and rejuvenation procedures. Now at the peak of popularity, cosmetology will undoubtedly continue to grow rapidly, becoming a full part of the life of every woman and even man. If a couple of years ago our services were used by one man per month, now it is already about fifteen male beauty adepts every month. Starting to take care of yourself at 25-30 years of age, neither women nor men will have to resort to surgery to achieve the desired beauty and youthfulness by the age of fifty, and it will save health, money, and unnecessary risk.

Is it possible to do without the services of a cosmetologist?

At some point, you can’t do without a cosmetologist, but you can take care of your skin and health and delay the moment to go to beauty medicine as long as possible. First of all, moisturize your skin, using care products from professional brands that have become noticeably more affordable than before. Fortunately, there is now a large selection of all kinds of products for all tastes and wallets for skincare and the whole body. Additionally, take vitamin C, zinc, and selenium. Increase your immunity with vitamin complexes and take collagen drinks, which are good for keeping your skin healthy. And eat right at any time of the year so that your skin will not give you any unpleasant surprises in winter.

Lifestyle Editor