The Ritz Herald
© Evan W. Turk

Evan Turk Has Announced His Candidacy for State Committeeman of the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee

Election Day is Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Published on June 18, 2020

Evan Turk announces his run for State Committeeman. He is citing his ability to generate attention and excitement for the party. His slogan published on social media is “Turk will work”. He is showing that his campaign is pledging his ability to play an active role in the local REC. It seems to be a valiant attempt to restore action in the Palm Beach county republican party. Evan wants to move things forward in a positive direction. When we asked Turk if he wants to seat the current State Committeeman, Joe Budd because of in-action, his answer was polite; he said “this isn’t about anyone else, it’s about my ability to make a difference”. This morning after the announcement, it was clear that his run for the seat is already sparking local controversy. The controversy isn’t surprising being that Turk is a force in the community with secure connections spanning into Washington D. C. It already appears that some are quite intimidated by Evan’s announcement. With posts flying around on social media, within hours of the publication. Many of these, bringing up old news about his celebrity wife. The attempts seem to illustrate his ability to steal the spotlight. Evan has never shied away from controversy, so it’s doubtful these efforts will have an actual impact on this race. When asked about how he feels about these posts, he said “I could care less, the voters can stand behind any candidate they want. I won’t respond to these attempts. In the end, may the best man win. I’m in this to do a job, and do it well. It’s simple.”

The grassroots population in Palm Beach County is a tightly knit group; they are a big part of the Republican Executive Committee. The past decade shows that they are often resistant to change. It will be interesting to see if the voters will challenge the establishment. The establishment here seems to be a group of passionate flag wavers that revel in their private “Trump Clubs” and have a loyalty to those in their social circle at any cost. Turk is somewhat removed from that circle being an executive and businessman, first and foremost. It seems with his success as a businessman that now he can commit the time and energy to this seat. He brings along a refreshing history of winning experiences. His commitment is transparent, even with the naysayers in the background, looking to keep the establishment coasting along.

It is exciting to see someone willing to stand up and put themselves in a position to make change in local politics. Especially when Turk knows, he is challenging the status quo. It seems to be a very timely situation for all of us to ponder, with Americans looking to be active in having their voices heard. Congratulations to Mr. Turk for wanting to play an active role and make change.

Here is the original press release that posted to PR Newswire on June 12, 2020:

Evan Turk [E.W. Turk, Esq.], a well known and respected Palm Beach attorney, has announced his candidacy for State Committeeman for the Palm Beach County, Republican Executive Committee.

The REC is a vital extension of the Republican Party to local voters. The Executive Committee works to seeking the best Republican candidates for local, county, state, and federal offices. They represent the Republican community at large. Evan points out, “Especially crucial to the position of State Committeeman is inspiring the next generation to be politically active and engaged.” He is committed to reaching into this new group of millennial voters, who are shaping the face of the party. The position of State Committeeman is a crucial role. A liaison between the Palm Beach county committee and the Republican Party of Florida. Evan has deep-rooted connections in the legal and business community. His reach spans all age groups and can reach into the new population of voters.

Evan recognizes that the above not only applies to PBC but the entire state, and is committed to bringing attainable goals into the RPOF discussion. Evan has carefully watched the political landscape in PBC over the last decade. He states that, “During this time, the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) has lost the attention of the party. That trickled up to the national RNC which looks at our county as a loss leader. There was a blue wave in South Florida. That wave caused the RNC and RPOF to ignore funding needed for Republican candidates, making it almost impossible for any GOP candidate at any level to win. I want to be a leader of this change. It seems the PBC GOP has thrown in the towel and surrendered to the Democrats. It is time to bring respect back and make the Palm Beach county REC relevant again.”

Last year, the PBC REC became rattled with calls for new leadership and direction. The PBC REC to lose members each year rather than build its membership. For example, until last year, there were less than 150 members in the REC when there should be over 3,000. Evan believes his leadership, and goal setting will increase GOP registrations and engagement in the party.

Palm Beach County primary voting has a deadline of Monday, July 20, 2020. Early voting begins Monday, August 3, 2020, and runs through Sunday, August 16, 2020.

Election Day is Tuesday, August 18, 2020.

Newsdesk Editor