The Ritz Herald
Saved & Drowned. © Eldon Garnet

Eldon Garnet’s Visual Language

Published on January 20, 2021

Eldon Garnet’s new ebook, Saved & Drowned (a short narrative for our time), is as enigmatic as it is subtly intellectual and equally rewarding. Published by  Canada’s IMPULSE [b:], this book is a photographic story linked to ideas of visual language that first arose in the 1960s. Now fortified with decades of epistemic advances in art theory, Eldon Garnet speaks anew for 2020+.

In Eldon Garnet’s visual art, just as in music, we become aware of conversations within conversations; we experience patterns, sequences, bridges, opposition, and harmonies, we feel melodic, periodic, or melancholic as the work moves us. Music is a language, an acoustic language, just as visual language describes things whose subtlety is lost when explained in words. Art touches another level when it includes that which cannot be explained.

A  universal photographic epic work of 21 images, 7 Cantos each of 3 images, Saved & Drowned is an ebook available online at IMPULSE [b]. As Eldon Garnet is a major influence in Canadian photography and art publishing, this work is a must for any collection documenting 21st-century photographic history.

Arts Columnist