The Ritz Herald
© Mandreel Agency

Effective Brand Building Strategies on a Shoestring Budget

Mandreel Agency

Published on May 07, 2022

Branding is one of the top essentials required for sustainable growth, irrespective of the type of business. It serves as a pleasant link between a company and its customers. In its most basic form, it is the public’s perception of your product or service.

Many businesses don’t give brand building its due attention. They wrongfully think that they can’t control how customers or clients will choose to think about their company. As a result, they fail even to take the first step towards brand building.

However, this isn’t fully true. Actually, you can create a powerful story, and by that, I mean the perception of your business.

Unicorns and large companies like Pepsi, Coca-Cola, and McDonald’s can spend billions on brand building. For example, Coca-Cola spends $4 billion per year on its different advertising campaigns.

Now, a medium-sized or small-sized business or company could not think about spending such a whopping amount on its brand building.

Here are some of the most powerful low-budget tips and strategies that you can use for the potent brand building of your company.

Create a Visual Identity

All-powerful brands have a strong visual identity. When you think about Facebook, the color “blue” will instantly come to mind. Similarly, think about McDonald’s, and its uniquely shaped initial “M” will cross your mind.

Visual identity is a psychological factor and works as a bridge between a business and its clients.

Choose fonts and logos that resonate with your brand identity and make them uniform across the website, social media, letterheads, visiting cards, marketing materials, the color of your shop, and more.

Your choice of logos and fonts becomes very special in this regard. Therefore, you must undertake due brainstorming before you finalize such things. Then, you must use the selected visual identity on all platforms and communication channels for your company, such as visiting cards, websites, and social media accounts.

Use Freebies for Brand Building

Offer freebies and make a statement in front of your client audience with the high quality of your product. Freebies work exceptionally well as an attraction for the relevant audience for your product or service. As a company, this is an opportunity to turn them into permanent clients.

Make Use of Email Marketing

Email marketing is a direct marketing tool, and as a business on a low budget, you must incorporate it into your brand-building strategy. The best thing about this marketing type is that it is totally free of cost.

If you have put in some powerful content in your emails, it may work to create an impactful and lasting impression of your company in the minds of the readers.

However, you need to make sure that you don’t indulge in email spamming. You must send emails to potential clients at an adequate interval. Also, you should proceed on the basis of perception. Hiring a reputable and well-experienced business consultant like Mandreel Agency would be a good choice as he or she will surely help you in planning and devising the best strategy in this regard.

Make Use of Social Media Marketing

As a brand, you have to be where the people are. Today, the conventional media has gone into the background and retains very little viewership. As a company on a low budget for brand building, it is recommended to avoid spending money on TV and conventional media marketing.

Instead, you should look to spend your branding budget on social media marketing. You will not only save money, but you will also reach a larger number of people who are interested in your message. Visit to get more information.

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