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PHOTO CREDIT: Wyant Photography

ECP Solutions, LLC – Charlie CEO

Editor's Pick | People In Business

Published on July 02, 2019

Every great entrepreneur’s story begins with a dream and every dream comes laden with hard work and determination as two of the three ingredients needed to bring it to life.

The third ingredient?

A steadfast and talented businessman who won’t take second best and who knows nothing but hard work and grit.

Whether we’re talking about Warren Buffett’s starter home and humble lifestyle or Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak founded Apple out of a garage, all of the stories of successful business people hold a similar tone and offer a universal message: Believe in yourself, no matter what the cost.

One man that has embraced this ethos is Charlie, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of ECP Solutions, LLC, a company that specializes in eCommerce logistics such as drop shipping, social media marketing, and crypto-currency exchange management.

Taking a dream for a better life and holding hopes for improving the world around him, Charlie founded ECP out of his parents’ basement in Indiana, following the tried and true path of so many success stories before him.

Similar to Uber’s former CEO Travis Kalanick, Charlie hammered away at his dream for two years while living in his parents’ basement. Building a business by scraping by is not a journey for the faint of heart, but it is nonetheless a path many must walk to secure success in entrepreneurship. After his brief stint operating ECP out of his parents’ basement in Indianapolis, Charlie was ready to break out on his own. ECP Solutions, LLC, is today a company boasting $5 million in revenues with offices in the city of Carmel. How’s that for a dream becoming reality?

Like all success stories, Charlie’s began with a question about what he could do to make the world a better place while also improving his life.

Focusing on what he was good at wasn’t the hard part – making money with it, however, proved to be a daunting task.

But quickly Charlie discovered that there is a lot of currency in expertise, and, when it comes to managing Shopify, eBay, and Amazon storefronts, no one is better at managing the logistics and product strategy for these outlets than Charlie.

His expertise in this area definitely gave him an upper leg over his competition, but what really made ECP Solutions LLC, the success it is today is Charlie’s dedication to hard work and quality output. This spirit has allowed him to expand beyond logistics for eCommerce portals and into crypto-currency, becoming one of the main backers of a crypto-currency exchange in the process. The potential future for transactions and contracts, crypto-currency is a burgeoning market that not only shows great promise of return but is also intimately connected with Charlie’s web business. And with 5 Shopify stores, 37 eBay stores, and 3 Amazon stores to his name, Charlie knows how critical it is that he not only adopted best practices as currently understood but also embrace innovation as it occurs.

As a new medium for transactions, mastering crypto-currency would make Charlie a power play in this emerging space and, like any of the entrepreneurs listed above, Charlie saw the opportunity and he seized it. If his career is any indication, there is little doubt he will seize the opportunity and master the field in the process.

Newsdesk Editor