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© OTT Watchlist

Dubbed as ‘The Perfect Binge Finder’– OTT Watchlist is Available for Download on Both Android & Apple

This free-to-use platform for tracking TV shows and movies and finding new ones is making waves with its intuitive UI and a plethora of incredibly useful features

Published on May 14, 2021

A lot has changed over the decades; visual media is no longer locked inside televisions. Today’s viewers can watch all kinds of movies and shows on a global level with just a few clicks, thanks to cloud-based streaming platforms like Netflix. However, when watching multiple TV shows at the same time, it can be a challenge to consistently follow and keep track of the episodes. Similarly, hundreds of movies come out each year, so people can forget which ones they’ve watched, leading to repetition or missing out on great flicks. But now, serial bingers don’t have to rely on their memory to keep up with the fast-paced virtual media. They’ve got OTT Watchlist – a straightforward and intuitive platform for tracking TV shows and movies.

There are many OTT video platforms out there but what separates OTT Watchlist from the rest is the myriad of user-focused features. The app is meticulously engineered to benefit both types of users – those that want to track their shows and those that want new show suggestions. The first category of users gets instant movies and OTT Updates. As soon as the upcoming films are released, or a new episode of their favorite series is up, they’ll be notified. The latter category can leverage the app to find new shows and get personalized recommendations with the help of its advanced AI algorithm. And by adding already watched movies/series to the ‘watched’ list, they can make sure they’ve only suggested something they’ve never watched before.

Other OTT video platforms usually limit themselves to show tracking and suggestions. OTT Watchlist went several steps ahead. The platform itself is a goldmine for finding TV series and movies. Users can go through the never-ending catalog of shows and keep adding whatever they find interesting to their watchlists. Furthermore, OTT Watchlist has embedded several functions to enhance the browsing experience for their users. For instance, if someone is on the lookout for a new movie or show to watch, they can browse through the homepage or leverage different filters like genre, language, popularity, IMDB rating, and release year. And that’s not it; once a user finds some OTT movies or series suggestions interesting, they can open them and get a whole new suite of features.

Every particular movie or TV show has its own brief description without any spoilers. There are also multiple sources to watch the trailers from. Similarly, there’s an array of streaming platforms that a particular show or movie is on, ranging from Netflix to HULU, Amazon, Disney+, and several more. Users can easily find out on which streaming platform a particular TV show or movie is available to watch, especially if they’re from the USA or India, where geographical restrictions on content are common. This is still not it; users can also find suggestions for similar genre movies and shows on the page of every film or series so they can continue their hunt for a great flick. Last but not least, there’s a comment section at the bottom of every show where users can read what others have to say about the show. This can also help them set their expectations right before venturing into a movie or series.

Now, if we talk about other attractions of this platform, then firstly, it has a diverse range of visual media. From the best Indian web series to Korean Dramas and Hollywood Movies, every country’s hidden gems are listed on OTT Watchlist, with many more to come. There’s also an Upcoming Movies section where users can learn about their favorite flicks’ release dates and plan a perfect movie night accordingly. Moreover, users can check out the list of top 50 and 100 all-time Must-Watch movies and shows if they need something to watch fast. Moreover, with “OTT Watchlist Recommendations,” users will get a list of the most recommended movies and shows specifically picked for them. The app will also keep track of how many recommended films and series they’ve watched to avoid repetition. There’s also a News/Reviews section to give users the updates and first impressions of the shows and movies they’re looking forward to watching.

There’s also a Kids Section that’s essentially the child version of the adult’s OTT Watchlist. From cartoon series to movies, kids can explore safe and entertaining shows to watch in their leisure time. The gist is, OTT Watchlist is an all-in-one platform for every audience type irrespective of age, gender, media taste, and language. From best Indian web series on TVF to Hollywood shows on Netflix, Amazon, and more, users will find something to binge on the minute they start hanging out on the platform. And with continuous tracking and updates, it’ll keep users on top of their TV shows. The best part is, OTT Watchlist is absolutely free to use; just a simple sign-up is required to maintain the user’s watch list, and that’s it. No credit cards, no lengthy forms to fill, and absolutely no fees.

We wanted to build a platform that all kinds of audiences can benefit from. It shouldn’t matter if you’re in India, U.S, Europe, China, or somewhere else; as long as you love watching and exploring new shows and movies, you’ll find something to binge on – instantly” – Team OTT Watchlist.

The app is available on both Google Play & Apple Store for free download – get it now and start binging.

Technology Reporter