The Ritz Herald
Dr. Isaac Kashani

Dr. Isaac Kashani: How This Super-General Dentist Dominates the World of Dentistry

Published on April 26, 2022

What do living a flexible lifestyle, meeting interesting people, and working with your hands all have in common? These are a few reasons dentists go into their field. When it comes to becoming a dentist, there’s a certain blend of creativity, technical skill and science that is required, which can make for an exciting career choice.

It takes a special kind of person to stand out in such a highly-acclaimed profession. Even though the career can be fun, offering degrees of flexibility and opportunity, it takes hard work. Whether you believe it or not, being able to ease the anxiety of those children—and adults—who fear going to the dentist can be complex. Dr. Isaac Kashani knows it all too well.

Dr. Isaac Kahen Kashani (D.D.S.) is a cosmetic dentist out of Encino, California, who leads at the Lasting Impressions Dental Spa—a highly regarded dental hub in SoCal. Find out just how Dr. Kashani’s upbringing as an adolescent led him to fulfilling his destiny—allowing him to serve as a true example of how dentists are not only taught, but born into dentistry.

Born to succeed

According to those closest to the super general dentist, he was made for it. It’s no surprise to them that he’s gaining major accolades or running three businesses. When he was a child, Dr. Kashani was known for being pretty meticulous. He’s always had an obsession with perfecting small details. While this may seem normal in a lot of children, his precisive mentality was a bit different. Not only was Dr. Kashani inspired by the little things in life, but he gives a ton of credit to his family for inspiring him as well. Coming from a family of accomplished professionals, the cosmetic dentist has always wanted the most out of life. He pushed himself to go above and beyond to achieve his goals. Before even reaching his pre-teens, these detail-oriented mannerisms set him up for academic success, gaining him awards and achievements in elementary school.

Dr. Kashani’s meticulous nature eventually carried on to his adult life as well. After excelling in high school, he went to UCLA and earned a Bachelor’s—double majoring in Biology and Sociology. And even then, he still didn’t know what he wanted to do. Because of his family’s history, he always had the idea of ending up in the medical field. But his career choice remained unclear.

The perfect job

It wasn’t until later in college that Dr. Kashani’s obsession with detail—along with his love for working with his hands—would manifest themselves into what is now the world of cosmetic and restorative dental services. One of his fraternity brothers witnessed the way he handled various projects, such as working on his car, building things, and how much he cared to make things better. That’s when he received the recommendation that would change his life. “You should come with me to these meetings.” Dr. Kashani recalled his frat brother saying. “I think you’ll be a great dentist. I believe it’s the perfect job for you.”

The suggestion wasn’t anything new to Dr. Isaac Kashani. In actuality, several people told him he’d make a great dentist growing up. He never paid much attention to the advice until following through with his friend’s advice.

Following a couple of pre-dental meetings, he realized everyone was right all along. He was astonished, falling in love with the art of dentistry. Since May of 2009, Dr. Kashani has been practicing and perfecting his profession, and 13 years later, his early days are paying off well. Today, the reputable dentist provides the highest quality of dental care. He’s been known to handle some extremely difficult cases. Among some of those cases are, of course, the fearful people who refuse to cooperate.

Making people happy

A lot of people are apprehensive about their dental appointments. The idea of one propping their mouth open, having their teeth drilled, or the fear of pain and discomfort, are all anxieties that run rampant through the office of any dental facility. Most dentists would tell you this is due to common misconceptions. These kinds of anxieties come from the invasiveness of the process. It’s fair to say that most patients don’t feel comfortable with someone leaning over, putting their hands in their mouth. And at times, it can seem like an invasion of personal space.

As stated by the dental expert himself, once that anxiety is relieved, everything gets a whole lot smoother. Dr. Kashani takes pride in being able to calm the nerves of his patients. What’s his secret? It’s simpler than you may think.

“I like being able to make people happy right away. They come in with an issue, and five minutes to an hour later, they’re walking out of the office happy. Whether they’re in pain or have a cosmetic issue, we can fix it immediately.”, he says.

By using humor and de-escalation tactics—with a combination of professionalism and job knowledge— he’s been capable of getting around even the most challenging patients. Those who’ve been lucky enough to work with him describe him as someone who loves to make people smile. Dr. Kashani believes, as a dentist, it’s important to put yourself in the chair of the patient. “I always take in the pain and anxiety of the patient and absorb it as my own. That’s the most realistic way to ease the stress of the situation.”

A word of advice

As stated earlier in the article, dentistry is a highly-acclaimed profession. It’s not for everyone, and it certainly takes a lot of skill to stand out in the industry. Although Dr. Kashani believes it’s possible to do anything you put your mind to, people are often interested in the dental field for the wrong reasons. He wants to advise those who are interested to stay focused on what truly matters. Doing a great job.

“A lot of people worry about the wrong things…like the money. It’s much more important to worry about doing a great job. If you always do a great job, the money will follow.”

Follow Dr. Kashani on Instagram and TikTok @kashanidds, and don’t hesitate to book a video consultation. Visit the Lasting Impressions Dental Spa Website to schedule an appointment!

Lifestyle Editor