American artist, writer, activist, and creative director Dommy Blanco, 25, is at it again.
Dommy Blanco the enigmatic and innovative creative artist from Buffalo, New York is back with another dynamic musical and visual masterpiece. Combining the elements of music, fashion, and technology, Dommy Blanco drops Ethereum, his first single coming off his new upcoming album Sweet & Sour Vol. 2: Death of the Rat.

Sweet & Sour is a trilogy of compelling records and visuals coming from Dommy Blanco’s experiences, ideas, and mind. It carries high energy, brash tones, and creates a beautifully dark feel that leaves the experience timeless. Dommy Blanco doesn’t shy away from controversial topics, mental health, and his original aesthetic carries the reminisce of a psychological thriller.
With the brutally honest, divergent, and powerful Sweet & Sour Vol. 1 out of the way; Dommy Blanco is preparing for Vol. 2. This leads us to his first single, Ethereum. The sound and premise of Ethereum kind of leaves off at the first volume but in this Dommy Blanco seems to be in his most focused state of mind yet and the progression shows. The 3D video crafted and produced by American artist and digital creator Robert Raczyk is very immersive and captivating. Once again showing the innovative and engrossing content that both of them create together.
Ethereum is also is the wildly popular cryptocurrency changing the world, created by Vitalik Buterin. Check Dommy Blanco’s new single Ethereum, out on all platforms. Be sure to follow him on all his social media and subscribe to his website so you don’t miss out on any upcoming news. Look for Sweet & Sour 2 Vol. 2 to reach stores sometime this fall.