The Ritz Herald
© Trubify

DJ Envy Backs Trubify for the Music Revolution

"Music artists have been burned by the industry!"

Published on November 17, 2021

National radio personality (The Breakfast Club), producer, and mixtape maestro DJ Envy—who helped break Jay-Z, 50 Cent, and The L.O.X.— is partnering with Trubify to help independent artists “take control.”

Trubify is a revolutionary live-music streaming platform that finally lets music artists earn significant revenue for their art by offering creators the highest per-viewer payouts.

“A new breed of music artists is rising from the streets,” says DJ Envy, “and this movement has been a long-time coming. Trubify represents my beliefs and what I stand for—that creators should do what they love, demand respect, and get paid fairly for their work. The Trubify app is an innovative way for music artists to generate wealth for themselves.”

In addition to his seismic impact on hip-hop and R&B production, distribution, and promotion, DJ Envy is an entrepreneur, investor, actor, and CEO of BLOK Entertainment. His commitment to “giving back” is well documented, and he remains a tireless supporter of various charities focused on youth, music, and other initiatives. His latest project is the Drive Your Dreams car show — a traveling, family-friendly music festival.

DJ Envy Backs Trubify

“DJ Envy is a true creative force who understands the systemic issues artists face,” states Trubify Founder/CEO Stephen Tyszka. “His backing shines new light on our mission to transform the industry from being parasitic to generating new wealth for artists everywhere.”

Trubify is proving it is far from alone in its belief that musicians deserve a better way to earn a living. It’s time for the content creators who enrich our lives to be fairly compensated.

“Fans have a clear choice,” say DJ Envy. “They can continue to consume music through platforms that diminish and disrespect artistic achievement, or they can choose Trubify — with its artist-first philosophy and fair revenue splits that pay artists more than anywhere else. Like I say, ‘Back those who back you.”

Newsdesk Editor