The Ritz Herald
Devan Leos

Disney Actor Devan Leos Is Currently Focusing on Web3 and Community Building

What you need to know about Devan Leos

Published on May 09, 2022

If you’ve ever watched Mighty Med (Where Devan Leos plays Alan Diaz), Jessie (Devan’s first Disney appearance where he played Trevor), Austin and Ally, or Criminal Minds, you’ve seen Devan Leos in action. He made his first debut in the critically acclaimed ABC show The Middle (playing Henry) in 2010. Devan has found success on TV and off the screen when it comes to his career. Now, he is making considerable strides in Web3 and blockchain. His involvement in the industry is significant, and earlier in the year, Leos decided to step away from being an actor to focus on growing his company as an entrepreneur and pioneer the future of communications, marketing, and public relations in the Web3 space. Recently Devan Leos was written about in the publication TechBullion, where he talked about the future of blockchain technology and how it relates to public relations, and how blockchain technology will inevitably change all industries. TechBullion described Devan Leos as ‘one of the best NFT PR experts’ due to the actor’s knowledge and a lack of such experts in the NFT community. Devan Leos has been vocal about his enthusiasm for NFTs and blockchain technology for over two years, posting it on Instagram and Twitter. The former Disney actor has written about it on Entrepreneur, where he stated blockchain technology would change finance forever.

Working hard at a young age

Whether it was the shows Leos appeared on in his early career, or his career as a communications and public relations professional later on in his life, Devan Leos, even after his role on Mighty Med and other TV shows, decided to continue to dedicate himself to hard work. Leos owns and operates two digital agencies and is the founder of a new non-profit. Devan Leos stated, “I have always been a curious person driven by the desire to make improvements, and I now subscribe to the idea of putting my friends and my community before myself.” Devan Leos also published an article on Entrepreneur, where he talked about the valuable and priceless lessons he learned while working for Disney.

Community Building

Devan Leos is currently focusing on community building in multiple ways. First and foremost, his passion for community building and strengthening comes from his career as a communications professional.

“Whether you’re an actor on tv, a company that sells fudge, or the founder of a social media platform like Facebook, one thing holds true: Your career and success are driven by a community.”

While online communities are the former stars’ forte, he is now focusing on local communities in real life through a non-profit called COMMINT inc, which will focus on building better and brighter communities using technology and OSINT. While many call Devan Leos an entrepreneur, he says he is more than that: “With everything I do, I want it to be meaningful and positively impactful… I am trying to live my life like I will account for everything I do during my life after I die.”

And in regards to his philosophy on doing the best he can do, he says, “Though I am still young in age, I am trying to make choices with my future community and elder self in mind.”

Current Focus and Involvement with Web3

While the entrepreneur actor is currently working on various cross-platform projects, his current focus is on web3 because he believes that blockchain technology will be a significant factor in shaping and molding the future of the digital world and digital technology as we know it. From finance to entertainment and e-commerce to logistics, Devan believes blockchain tech will provide for a safer, secure, and more authentic world. Leos is an advisor for blockchain tech-based startup Vimpto Worlds, and utility-driven project Royal Goats Club, as well as other NFT and web3-related projects.

“While some think of crypto wallets and digital ledgers as cute and simple browser extensions, many see the innovation and huge strides in technological advancement being brought upon us directly by developments in blockchain technology.”

“Web 2 is dying before our eyes, and for the better; that being said, there is a need for experts and good actors (pun intended) in the web3 space because due to the newness of web3, many unqualified hucksters will beguile unsuspecting people and businesses.”

The former Disney star believes that without true professionals who understand web3 and want to help others adapt to it, opportunistic ‘bad-actors’ will ultimately turn people away and potentially halt innovation that would positively affect every industry, and therefore is dedicating most of his time to the Web3 and NFT community.

Lifestyle Editor