Crazy Money: A 100% NO Commissions, NO Subscription Platform That Helps Entrepreneurs Connect With Investors

Published on December 29, 2022

Some of the most innovative ideas are locked inside the minds of our youngest entrepreneurs. Across college campuses, visionary students are ready to improve society with their products and services – if they can fund them, that is. Funding, of course, is not a new issue, as every would-be business owner must overcome this hurdle. There are already many platforms that connect entrepreneurs with investors. The problems, however, are their high commissions, subscriptions, and monthly fees that are beyond the reach of student-business owners. Enter Crazy Money, the new app created by Sapna Rajput that is helping entrepreneurs to bypass these prohibitive costs and connect with the investors that can make their dreams a reality – all for free.

Rajput explains that behind Crazy Money is a simple truth: college students, who are often already financially challenged, should not have to struggle to fund their projects. “Students do not have money, but they do have brilliant ideas. They just need that initial funding. Perhaps it is $20,000 or even as high as $500,000. Whatever the amount, they can connect with potential investors using Crazy Money iOS and get their companies off the ground – all without being charged commissions or fees for subscriptions or agents.”

To get started on funding their projects, a startup creator first downloads the Crazy Money app and makes their profile, which will include their industry. After signing up, the entrepreneur posts a description of their project for potential investors to view. They can provide more in-depth information on their business, the amount of funding they need in exchange for a certain stake in their company, whether they want to sell 100% of their business, the terms of the deal, and any other project requirements. Entrepreneurs are able to see how many views and clicks their project is receiving, and they are able to post as many projects as they like.

Potential investors can then bid on the business projects of their choice against other investors. Bids come from investors only. The entrepreneur is able to talk to as many investors as they like. Once an entrepreneur selects an investor, at the Crazy Money Android app, the team helps to schedule any further negotiations between the two parties. Each side is responsible for their own decisions and actions.

Rajput says that she is making Crazy Money available to student-entrepreneurs for free because she understands how it feels to need money for projects yet be unable to find it. “I don’t want others to face this,” she reveals. “That’s why I created Crazy Money: I wanted to help student-business owners get off the ground without them having to worry about the stress of funding.”

Other companies may charge $5,000 up front in case an entrepreneur is able to raise $500,000. A startup owner may also be required to pay $500/month by some platforms just to keep their projects visible and to pay to advertise on a platform. Rajput believes this is both unethical and unrealistic, especially for students.

“I decided not to charge any subscription or service fees to entrepreneurs/investors to use Crazy Money,” she explains. “It is an excellent opportunity for startup leaders who want fast service, unlimited postings of projects, and the ability to talk directly to potential investors. They also have access to my own suggestions from my years of being a successful business leader.”

As more entrepreneurs use Crazy Money to find funding for their projects, Rajput offers a suggestion to those who are fighting to make their dreams a reality.

“Never give up,” she says. “The early days of a business can be tough, but you are a visionary and have a lot to contribute. Just keep putting your project out there and believe in it. The rest will follow. And, remember to check out Crazy Money. There is no reason to keep paying those high commissions and fees anymore. Remember to sign up on our platform, where you can find the right investor for your company and watch as it takes flight.”

For more information on the Crazy Money app and its free services, please see its website or connect with Sapna Rajput.

Newsdesk Editor