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Consumers and Water Treatment Professionals Can Now Analyze Water Quality Data at Any US Address

SimpleLab debuts Water Quality Search

Published on November 20, 2020

SimpleLab, the science and health services company behind the popular Tap Score water testing service, today launched Water Quality Search–a new choice for families and businesses exploring their tap water quality.

Jess Goddard, CSO of SimpleLab, stated, “Today’s consumers know more about the contaminants in their drinking water than ever before, sometimes more than the salesperson selling them a filter. We are building a centralized, reliable source of water quality data for everyone to reference. We plan to update Water Quality Search with new and rich data on a regular basis.”

A sea change in consumer data has quietly reshaped the environmental health industry. People at home and work increasingly expect richly detailed data to inform their purchasing decisions. News and events like the fires in California, lead in infant formula and the discovery of other harmful chemicals in household products have fueled demand for environmental health data.

Consumers and businesses are leaving gimmicky free water tests behind in favor of direct laboratory testing and validated water quality data. Residents are taking ownership over home water quality and treatment options in much the same way as they order food and other health-based products online.

Water Quality Search, the latest product at SimpleLab, is a free, cloud-based data service for industry professionals. Filtration dealers can search and analyze unique local water quality data in a more granular way than ever before. With the push of a button, detailed water quality reports can be generated for any given household or street address. If data isn’t available, testing can be readily ordered. Updates to the data and new features are being rolled out regularly to incorporate new tap water, groundwater, surface water, and utility test results.

Environmental Reporter