The Ritz Herald
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Congressional Passage of National Defense Authorization Act for the 60th Consecutive Year

Second Front Systems (2F) continues to support investments and policies that advance innovation within the Department of Defense

Published on January 08, 2021

Today, Second Front Systems (2F), a venture-backed defense software company, applauds Congress for passing the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the 60th year in a row.

“The bipartisan commitment to NDAA is a testament to the dedication of Committee Chairmen Inhofe and Smith, Ranking Members Reed and Thornberry, and the hard work of their staffs,” said 2F Co-Founder and CEO Peter Dixon. “I would also like to thank Congressman Moulton for his leadership on the Future of Defense Task Force that we’re now seeing reflected in the priorities set by the NDAA.”

2F continues to support investments and policies that advance innovation within the Department of Defense, improve the modern-day warfighter capabilities, and are in the best interest of taxpayers.

“We are excited to see policies that advance and support defense innovation organizations, and their efforts to connect with the venture-backed community, start-up incubators, and government-focused accelerators,” added Dixon. “Providing these organizations the direction and tools necessary to tap into the best and brightest minds America has to offer is a big step in the right direction as they seek out ways to modernize the DoD.”

Staff Writer